Nintendo. Thingybob stock whatnot profit forecast. Words. Hand - TopicsExpress


Nintendo. Thingybob stock whatnot profit forecast. Words. Hand One: Nintendo needs to overhaul things, and thats been evident for quite some time. Their online still needs work (the Nintendo Network ID linking Wii U and 3DS is a good start), step up their marketing, and beef up their Virtual Console selection (which is gorram awful on the Wii U and 3DS, dont tell me the 3DS cant handle SNES games). As much as I love Iwata like the crazy uncle figure that he is, he needs to step down. Hand Two: LEAVE NINTENDO ALONE, I LOVES THEM AND THEY MAKES MARIO AND ZELDA AND IM THEIR FRIEND FIVEEVER MAKE THE STOCK BETTER NAOW! Thoughts?
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 23:15:08 +0000

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