Ninth Favorite Flick of 2014: Jodorowskys Dune My favorite - TopicsExpress


Ninth Favorite Flick of 2014: Jodorowskys Dune My favorite documentary film of the year, this is a testament and tribute to one of the greatest movies never made: Alejandro Jodorowskys take on adapting Frank Herberts science fiction classic Dune back in the mid-70s. This is a story of the passion, ambition, and mad genius of Jodorowsky, who sought to create something so sacred that it would transform the hearts and minds of those who saw it. For this, he labored for years with a real-life group of artistic avengers: including Pink Floyd, H.R. Giger, Salvador Dali, Orson Welles, and many, many others. This team assembled around him is so fascinating in its own right, that a lot of the fun in watching this movie is listening to all the hilarious stories about how Alejandro convinced these titans to jump on board with him. And much like they all did, we as the audience jump on board with Alejandro as his infectious love and perfect memory for the details charm us into following him down the rabbit hole of his vision. And boy what a vision it was. The documentary takes us through his massive bible of a concept book: captivating our interest with the vivid, original set pieces, story boards, and costume designs. As we see this tidbits of what might have been unfold, samples of the movies planned score creep through the movie: fully immersing us in Jodorowskys world through the lenses of his own perspective. Some of those sequences are truly breathtaking and make me weep for the fact that the movie never managed to be made. But in feeling that, there is also a thought-provoking aspect to this story, as the documentary argues the point that Jodorowskys concepts and artists were appropriated and copied by many of the next decades great science fiction films: including Star Wars, Alien, and Terminator. I wont go too in-depth into what was copied or how, because you should honestly just check out the movie. Its an electrifying study of ambition and passion that, if you happen to love the art of filmmaking, then you owe it to yourself to go out and see it.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 19:24:03 +0000

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