Ninth technique of meditation Just imagine - TopicsExpress


Ninth technique of meditation Just imagine that you are dead. You cannot move the body, you cannot move the eyes, you cannot cry, you cannot scream, you cannot do anything, you are just dead. And then feel how it feels. But do not deceive by slightly moving the body. Do not move. If some mosquito is there, then treat the body as if it is dead. Ramana Maharshi attained his enlightenment through this technique, he had known death. He had known a different realm, a different dimension of consciousness. He escaped from the house. That death experience changed him completely Conceptualising death as a technique may be foolhardy. But it is worth it. You can understand your passion, emotion, mood and temper by that. Fear may engulf you, anger may come in the mind, or frustration, sadness, sorrow, anguish... anything. It will differ from individual to individual. Technique says that whatever you feel stay so. If you feel enraged, stay so. If you feel sad, stay so. If you feel anxiety, fear, stay so. You are dead and you cannot do anything, so stay so. Whatsoever is in the mind, the body is dead and you cannot do anything, so stay. That staying is beautiful. If you can stay for a few minutes, suddenly you will feel that everything has changed. But If there is some emotion in the mind, the body begins to move. That is why we call it emotion that creates motion in the body whether it is angriness of sadness. If you practice this technique you can control your mind, thought processes at your will for you are aware what your mind thought processes were when you feel you are dead. When you contemplate on your mind thought processes you will realise if not immediately but in the long run that ‘you’ are beyond the mind thought processes, you will get liberated. After all the countdown of death starts as soon as you are born in this universe. Every moment you are moving towards death. Realising that will make you to make the living life lovely and meaningful. You will then be a treasure trove unto others and not a burden unto others.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 03:49:27 +0000

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