NitRo doesnt give A funK whaT u thinK winNitRo doesnt give A funK - TopicsExpress


NitRo doesnt give A funK whaT u thinK winNitRo doesnt give A funK whaT u thinK winK winK plays it alL AlonE homIeZ U donT knoW mE WAE War Against Evil FB Ross Hanover FB Sensou Zenaku FB n YouTube use Rubber N LubE n step Off DrugZ nature n mature givE n receive Beleive in G-D in these BrokeN timEs gotta RymE Cut off HateRZ n Jaded WiggerZ tweakerZ puLled mY triggeR We figurE writE a LetteR 2 my SifUz toM CruZ plaY blueZ blooD Ur OnlY Tru Crew Got A messaGE frOm A GirL doesnt Understand DiZ worlD blocK heR givE bacK ApologiZe U on CracK? BetteR geT a GriP donT flip... TolD u 2 MucH go eaT luncH burN thE bridgE sisteR takE theN flakE datZ whY u fakE donT hear bacK by D enD oF da daY awaY awaY go praY n WorK diG deeP in zA dirT finD anotheR suckeR tO b ur investoR returN mY shitE 2 aunt Margalester:/ UsE peoPle staY iN thE colD geT olD anD scratcH n Sniff iN griDlocK Tic ToC theres daT clocK FeeliN u HurT mE noT Ur SlavE burN me Never inviteD me 2 JaM wiT u Poo Poo oN deN suFfeR puFfer FuzzY Popsicle SuckeR useD me geT back or Im gonE with Da masters noT maD feel baD 4 u So ProovE ur Soul stop Takin TalkiN likE u biG Ur noT anD Ur WiggiN beginning 2 get on My last NervE U deserve BetteR I Tried noT lieD So staY n FreezE n Do weLl without mE:/)-$ G-D Bless:-| noT Ur DaddY u maKe mE maddI iN diS towN I caN do what I wanT 2 so Figure it ouT or I blocK u.... U call Mi craZy butt Who got the Deal paYs 4 meals 4 reaL I will PraY for U 2 MorroW witH sorrow donT hear bacK bye bye good lucK keep ur HeaD uP:/)-$ NitRo ouT WAE planeT jaM FunK +--///-------->
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 08:49:24 +0000

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