Niu days Coffee Convo: Help a sister out! Advice please. I think - TopicsExpress


Niu days Coffee Convo: Help a sister out! Advice please. I think my mum is Step mum is cheating on my Dad. Firstly I dont have any issues with my Step mum she pretty much brought me up from the age of 10 I am 22 now. I love her dearly I do but of late Ive noticed some odd behaviour from her. She has started a new business venture that has her travelling up to Auckland a lot, we live in Wellington. Her odd behaviour began when she started getting late night calls I would hear her and Dad constantly arguing about who would be calling so late and her excuse would always be work. Then the other day I heard whispering from her room and when I went to see who she was talking to and she was on the phone. I asked her why she was whispering and she said her client was old. I thought that was strange. The final nail was when I intercepted a call that was supposed to be for my Dad. It was a lady who said she had information about what my Step mum was up to in Auckland. When I probed for more info she hung up. I confronted my Step mum first and asked her if she was having an affair, at first she was defensive and asked me who I was talking to when I told her I assumed that was why she was getting late calls she simply laughed it off and gave me an excuse about her clients being old and how the old dont sleep. Another giveaway that she could be possibly cheating is she now has two cell phones. I need advice on how to deal with this? Do I tell my Dad? Do I try and catch her out?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:48:57 +0000

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