Nizar Qabbani-- Syrian - Contemporary Arab Poet, Diplomat, - TopicsExpress


Nizar Qabbani-- Syrian - Contemporary Arab Poet, Diplomat, Thinker, Philosopher Would You Permit Me? Arabic Poem In the Muslim world where thinkers are assassinated, writers are considered infidels and books are burnt, where societies refuse each other, and force silence on the mouths of speakers, where independent thinking is forbidden, where to question is a sin, Nizar Qabbani writes a poem:- Would you permit me? Would you permit me bring up my children as I want, and not dictate their whims and orders. Would you permit me to teach my children that religion is the path to God, and not to religious leaders or “scholars”? Would you permit me to teach my little ones that religion is about good manners, good behavior, good conduct, honesty and truthfulness, before I teach them with which foot to enter the bathroom or with which hand to eat? Would you permit me to teach my daughter that God is about love, and she can dialogue with Him and ask Him anything she wants, far away from the teachings of any individual who is only God’s creation? Would you permit me not to mention the torture of the grave and thereafter to my children, who have just come to this world and do not know about death yet? Would you permit me to teach my daughter the tenets of the religion and its culture and manners, before I force on her the Hijab (the veil)? Would you permit me to tell my young son that hurting people and degrading them because of their nationality, color or religion, will be considered a big sin by God? Would you permit me to tell my daughter that revising her homework and paying attention to her learning is considered by God as a prayer to him and is more useful and important than learning Ayahs from the Quran by heart without knowing their meaning? Would you permit me to teach my son that following the footsteps of the Honorable Prophet begins with being honest, loyal and truthful, before growing his beard or donning a short robe (long shirt)? Would you permit me to tell my daughter that her dearest friend, who happens to be a Christian, is not an infidel, and my daughter should not cry for her friend now fearing that she will go to Hell? Would you permit me to argue, that God has not authorized anyone on earth after the Prophet to speak in his name nor did he vest any powers in anyone to issue deeds of forgiveness to people? Would you permit me to say, that God has forbidden killing the human spirit by killing human beings, and who kills wrongly a human being is as if he killed all human kind, and no Moslem has the right to frighten another Moslem? Would you permit me to teach my children that God is more powerful, more just, and more merciful than all the (religious) scholars on earth combined? And that his standards are different from the standards of those trading the religion, and that his accountability is kinder and more merciful. Via Monty Asarpota
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 05:46:29 +0000

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