Nizhny Novgorod RDC Aqualines plans to produce prototypes for - TopicsExpress


Nizhny Novgorod RDC Aqualines plans to produce prototypes for further WIG launch of a series of 13th, January 2015 In Russia, you may receive the serial production of WIG In Nizhny Novgorod is a design development, the purpose of which - mass production utility WIG, ie seaplanes, which are able to move at the same time on the snow, and fly at an altitude of up to 5 m. During 2015 it is planned to produce double prototype, which will serve as a showcase for customers of large sizes. The operator of the project, RDC Aqualines (LLC OKBE Erdisi Akvalayns), plans to build on the NPO Aerotehnologii (company with aircraft building plant Sokol , which collects the MiGs). - The result of our development projects became ruler WIG from 2 to 400 passenger seats, designed to meet the requirements of serial production on the basis of existing Russian aircraft construction enterprises. This is very important because now developed WIG - both Russian and foreign - are essentially piece goods that have no theoretical justification of the project. This explains the constant disaster prototypes. In addition, they do not suggest the possibility of mass production and actual operation, - says Paul Tsarapkin, CEO and owner of the RDC Aqualines. According to the source, the technology used in new machines designed chief designer RDC Aqualines Eduard Vasiliev back in 1970-1980-ies. Claimed feature of his devices - ricocheting: a vessel, without losing contact with the waves, not test water resistance, which ultimately provides a stable and cost-effective flight. Machines designed with the use of massive engines - automotive (on river ekranoplans from 2 to 20 seats) and a helicopter (50-60 seats in the sea), and the screw-type helicopter, which allows for faster start and acceleration. The design assumes any WIG Homepage landing gear gidrolyzha which, departing from the bottom reduces the load of water and the machine glides on it, allowing it to go into flight mode. RDC Aqualines actually part of the Nizhny Novgorod holding RDC Company. Tsarapkin Paul says that so far Aqualines invested their own money in the project, but now as a source of funding, the program is Minpromtorga (in cooperation with the NSTU) on R & D stage and attract investors to the stage of mass production. - You can say that our work is the continuation of the initiated Rostislav Alekseev, who built the largest in the world winged Caspian Monster, - says Alexei Ermolaev, director of business incubator NSTU (RDC is a resident of the incubator). - To cooperate with RDC we hooked engineers working on his team. Our participation in the project involves engineering modeling aerotrubah NSTU, testing the model in indoor and outdoor pools in summer and winter, material testing machine for strength. I assume that the prototype will be ready in the second half of 2015, in the worst case by the end of the year. Commercial Director Aerotehnology Alexander Zaitsev has confirmed that the company will participate in the project. - I think in the beginning of the year will be achieved specific final agreement. For RDC, we must develop a work-design documentation, further manufacture prototype flight test, - said Zaitsev. According Tsarapkina, the development of the first prototype will take 11 months and cost 30 million rubles, while planned to produce three double sample. Their cost price is planned to be approximately 8 million each. With mass production of 50 pieces the cost of WIG promise to bring to 1.1 million rubles. To create a 20- and 50-seat WIG, which are a priority project, the required amount of investment in the development and manufacturing of prototype evaluated in at least 350 million rubles. To Payback period, the 6th year of sales, planned to reach 1,250 sold WIG different sizes. Tsarapkin notes that legally it will ship that fits the requirements of the Maritime Register. Register WIG in the organs of state inspection of small vessels in their procedure will be similar to the registration of motor boats. But the right of the boat is not suitable for a new type of ship management: planning bureau to create a center of pilot training. Tsarapkin assures that the interest in the development of his company showed representatives of Vietnam and China. - Theres a good combination of economic, geographical and infrastructural factors: the vast and populous warm waters of the growing economy, the exchange of goods and passenger traffic, the lack of a developed air, rail and road network. This fact is especially important in the context of the so-called eastern reversal of the Russian economy - Tsarapkin encouraged. As domestic territories use WIG he sees main rivers (Volga, Ob, Lena, Yenisei), large lakes (Lake Baikal, Onega, Ladoga), sea and ocean routes both domestic and transcontinental routes. Developments in ekranoplanostroeniya are Russia, China, Germany, the US, Iran, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia. To date, built more than 2 thousand. (Military and civilian) courts. In China, on the island of Hainan, a factory for the production of WIG. Essentially, they bought the technical documentation WIG Oriole developed Vyacheslav Kolganov chief designer of JSC SPC TRACK - but because of the lack of qualified personnel in manufacturing serial production is not conducted, said Vladimir Bukovsky, the chief designer of Sky + Sea. In Russia, work on the design of WIG are several organizations, some manage to build real models - in general this trend was the development of a few years ago due to budget transfers within the FTP Minpromtorga Development of civil marine equipment for 2009-2016. Nizhny Novgorod CDB SEC on them. RE Alekseev, working on two passenger models, A-050 and A-080. On the basis of AT & T, which created a small walking winged Aquaglide-5, in 2012 established a new company AT & T-Invest in terms of which work on Aquaglide 30 (30 seats). Two KB are in the suburbs - CJSC NPK TRACK in Zhukovsky, who developed the device Oriole; Sky + Sea works in Mytishchi, she experiences together with JSC Sahatrans winged Petrel-24 on the territory of Yakutia. In addition, as written Izvestia, LLC Ekranoplanostroitelnoe Association Orion (Moscow) has developed and Orion-12. It is expected that in 2016 a commission of experts Minpromtorga will issue an opinion on the possibility of using WIG in solving search and rescue missions in the Far North and the way forward Ekranoplan subjects. Director of the Association winged and head of the Orion Yuri Varakosov noticed that the engineers working with WIG, has a difficult task - as WIG located at the junction of shipbuilding and aircraft technology, they need to teach him how to swim well and move on the screen, then have to fly at extremely low altitudes, (0.5-5 m) over a relatively smooth surface: water, tundra, ice. He said that to WIG Orion-12P was originally designed for the Russian FSB border guards, showed an interest not only in Russia but also abroad. - Foreign partners have already ordered six vessels Orion-12. Conducted in late autumn negotiations involve a significant increase in the order. Foreign customers took the first two cars, but because they will be used in certain specific conditions, is working on fine-tuning them to the requirements imposed by the buyer. The third unit is assembled in the modernized version, and was presented at the 2014 Gidroaviasalon. He currently runs more tests in Lake Onega - said Varakosov Izvestia. According to him, the Russian regions have also expressed interest in passenger ekranoplans. This coastal and northern regions of the Primorsky Territory, Karelia, Yakutia, Arkhangelsk region, Kamchatka region, the Nenets Autonomous District. The need to use WIG in these regions is determined by what WIG - ship year-round navigation. It can go where no court can pass the traditional layout. On ice and snow as it moves snowmobile, in shallow water at the request of the pilot WIG craft can fly up to 5 m. The speed of movement at the same time comparable to the speed of aircraft for local airlines - up to 250 km / h. Vladimir Gutenev first zampredcedatelya State Duma Committee on Industry, hoping that in the next 1.5-2 years in Russia there was a car passenger and cargo destinations in the form of pre-copies, which will be held gossertifikatsiyu.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 09:25:20 +0000

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