No Africa; No Europe! Over the past five hundred years, - TopicsExpress


No Africa; No Europe! Over the past five hundred years, Euro-centric scholarship, albeit Eurocentrism, has sought to convince the world that nothing came out of Mother Africa but defenseless, powerless slaves and that the inhabitants of this continent were uncivilized, barbaric, primitive cannibals---non-human beings. These people contributed nothing to world civilization and culture, according to this Euro-centric interpretation of history or His-Story. However, an Afro-centric interpretation of world history reveals a totally different, but true, picture or Story. Truth be told: Sarah Boone, a Black woman, invented the ironing board; Jan E. Matzalinger, a Black man, invented the shoe lasting machine; Walter Sammons, a Black man, invented the comb; Lydia O. Newman, a Black female, invented the hair brush; Madam C. J. walker, a Black woman, invented hair care and make-up products for women; Lloyd O. Ray, a Black man, invented the dust-pan in which to put garbage; Thomas W. Stewart, a Black man, invented the mop; George T. Samon, a Black man, invented the clothes dryer; John Love, a Black man, invented the pencil sharpener; William Purvis, a Black man, invented the fountain pen; Lee Burridge, a Black man, invented the typewriting machine; Lovette, a Black man, advanced the printing press to what it is today; John Burr, a Black man, invented the lawn mower to cut grass; Richard Spikes, a Black man, invented the automatic gear-shift in cars; Joseph Gammel, a Black man, invented the super charge system for internal combustion engines in cars; Garrett A. Morgan, a Black man, invented the traffic light; John Standard, a Black man, invented the refrigerator; Alice Parker, a Black woman, invented the heating furnace to warm homes during the cold Winter and Fall seasons; Frederick Jones, a Black man, invented the air conditioner to cool homes during the long, hot Summer seasons; Elbert Robinson, a Black man, invented the electric trolly, Alexander Miles, a Black man, invented the elevator; Philip Downing, a Black man, invented the letter drop mailbox; William Barry, a Black man, invented the post-marking and canceling machine; Lewis Howard Latimer, a Black man, invented the filament within the light bulb; Dr. Charles Drew, a Black man, invented a way/method to preserve and store blood, which led to his starting the worlds first blood bank; Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a Black man, performed the worlds first open-heart surgery. The fact of the matter is that while all these inventions took place in the A.D. era, let us recall that in the B.C. era, Africans (Kemites) of ancient Kemet (Egypt) invented the binary mathematical system, which is the spinal cord of the computer system today. Moreover, in 47 B.C., the High Priests of ancient Kemet performed the worlds first recorded medical operation. These original medical doctors delivered Pharaoh Cleopatras VII son called Caesarion or Little Caesar through this procedure named after his father, Julius Caesar, then Emperor of Rome. This ancient medical procedure is called the Caesarean Section today. The operation was done at the Temple of Kom Ombo---Africans invented medicine. According to the Euro-Greek Homer, In medicine, Egypt leaves the rest of the world behind. Africans: invented the worlds first Zodiac sign at the Temple of Dendera in 300 B.C; the 365¼ day Solar calendar in 4,100 B.C.; the 24-hour day; and paper using the papyrus plant. In religion, three of the early Popes of the Euro-Christian Roman Catholic Church were African (Black) men, viz, Saints Gelasius, 492 A.D., Miltiades, 311 A.D., and Victor 1, 189-199 A.D. The African Pope Victor I decreed Latin as the liturgical language of the Roman Catholic Church. Bro. Malcolm X once remarked: If I can convince you that you have done nothing then you will do nothing. What is vitally needed is a new, holistic educational paradigm in public schools to bring to the fore the historical geniousness of African people. Africans are the original people with original ideas and if it were not for an African of yesterday, then there would not be a Europe or America today. Nothing in Europe is original, including the Europeans themselves. The continent of Europe is named after Princess Europa of Mother Africa. As Itabari Njeri concludes: So institutionalized is the ignorance of our history, our culture, our everyday existence that often we do not even know ourselves. So, where would the world be without African (Black) people? The world would still be in the DARK! rastaspeaks/articles/2004/0704.html By Dr. Kwame Nantambu He is a part-time lecturer at Cipriani Labour College. The first step in the formation of the modern calendar was made in the year 46 B.C., when after Julius Caesar conquered Egypt, he adopted the solar calendar of Alexandria, which consisted of 365 and a quarter days per year. There was an argument for sometime over whether to have a leap year every three or four years. However, the senate decided to have a leap year every four years, and the Julian Calendar, the predecessor of the calendar we know today was born. However, the quarter day at the end of each year was not even, meaning that there was just around 10 minutes short of a quarter day each year. After 131 years, there would be an extra day not from a leap year, which meant that, for example, March would start to be in the summer very slowly. Around the sixteenth century, the catholic church was very unsettled from this state of affairs because Easter was almost in the summer. So, Pope Paul III decide to recruit new astronomers to make a new calendar to keep the days the same (except on leap years), including Christopher Clavius. He died shortly after, so his predecessor, Pope Gregory XIII, saw various proposals for a repaired calendar system. He chose Clavius proposal, and the Gregorian calendar, the one we know today, was born on October 4, 1582. The new repairs to the calendar introduced were: -10 days were to going to be skipped, so, the next day, Thursday, October 5, 1582, would become Friday, October 15, 1582. -In the Julian calendar there was a leap year if the year could be divided by the number 4. In the Gregorian Calendar a years is a leap year if (1. it can be divided by 4 but not 100 or (2. It can be divided by 400. -New rules for the date of Easter were made. -The extra day on leap year was moved to the day after February 28th. After this, all the catholic countries at the time adopted the calendar. The rest of the countries in Europe, adopted the new calendar sometime between the 16th and 18th centuries. By the time Britain adopted the calendar, it required another correction of skipping eleven days. Britain adopted the modern calendar in 1752. Because all countries in Europe used the Gregorian Calender, (the modern calendar) all colonies of European countries in Asia, Africa, and South and North America used the Gregorian calendar as well. Because of this America, a previous colony of England, uses the modern calendar, the Gregorian calendar, to this day.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 06:02:43 +0000

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