No Compulsion Whether you believe or not, you have heard the - TopicsExpress


No Compulsion Whether you believe or not, you have heard the stories of Yahshua, and the parables he taught. . Why would God, who manifested himself, sacrificed himself, come back and reverse everything Yahshua said? Yahshua taught to forgive, to spread the word, the truth, but not force it. He taught to love your wife as Yahshua loved the Church- not beat her to death or treat her like garbage. There are so many other words of the Bible, and the Quran is completely opposite! Muhammad: / He was illiterate. He decided he is lonely, and makes up that God spoke to him. He gathers a following, ( cult ). Then he dictates a book ( Quran ) He starts out ok, there are some nice verses, of course. It gets worse and worse however. How does he know that what he is dictating is being written down correctly, he cannot read? Who really wrote the words of the Quran? . We already know the translations are rough because of the Arabic. . Then he goes crazy, starts taking children as wives,( Aisha ) - then telling everyone, to kill anyone who is not like them. He hates everyone and everything that is not like him. . I understand, he was killed by a wife. So I guess a woman killed him, he isnt with his 72 Virgins. . Where in the bible - which he stole so many ideas from, was all this about virgins and that women go to hell? ( Opposite again ) . There is so much that makes no sense to me. The God I know, would not, and actually said, do not add to this book. Jesus said, there will be many false prophets. . Who was this Muhammad before he had his visitor, Muhammad came out of nowhere. I think he was a sick perverted man, but had enough charm to turn thousands from the truth. Who does this, who wants souls to not know truth? . As I said, whether you are a believer or not, you have heard the stories. I dont get how Muhammad so distorted the words of the bible, and received so many followers, it sure wasnt God. . He may have been visited, but it was not Yahweh. . Just the next time you hear a Muslim deceiver or a christian/jewish Useful Idiot pretend that they all worship the same God, be sure its all BS Just thoughts..... . , *************************************************************** . To Paraphrase What Our Friend And Brother Stanley Ting Says, The HOLY BIBLE IS The TRUTH And IT Has NEVER Been CHANGED. WHAT Has HAPPENED Is THIS~ The VERY ONES [WHO Call THEMSELVES “MUSLIMS”] And Have ACCUSED IT Of “CORRUPTION”, [AFTER THEY Have STOLEN CERTAIN THINGS THEY WANTED From The WORD Of The ONE TRUE GOD, ΨâHûƜ‘âH ~ The HOLY BIBLE Of The Jews And The Christians,] And Have CHANGED The GOSPEL TRUTH INTO A BIG LIE, In THEIR OWN Book. THEN, THEY LACED THEM With DEADLY CYANIDE To CONCOCT THEIR OWN New [DIFFERENT, FALSE] Scripture, From Which THEY NOW TEACH THEIR OWN CHILDREN A MURDEROUS [FALSE] “DOCTRINE” And THEY NOW PROMOTE THIS [MOST UNHOLY] Book Of LIES, Which THEY CALL The Qura’an, As The FINAL, [DECEPTIVE, LYING]] “Word” Of THIS FALSE SOCIO-POLITICAL IDEOLOGY Which POSES As A “Religion,” Which THEY Call ISLAM. And THEY BASE IT UPON The BLASPHEMOUS, HERETICAL LIES Of THEIR DEAD [FALSE] “Prophet Mohammed WHOSE DEVOTED FOLLOWERS OFFER [FALSE] “Worship” To THEIR IDOL~ [FIVE TIMES EACH DAY]~ To THEIR Supreme “ROCK” [MOON] god, Which THEY Call ALLAH, [Which Is HOUSED Within A FRAMED GOLD FACIMILE Of A VAGINA]; And THEY ALL KISS THEIR [BLACK BOX] Which THEY Call The “Kaaba” [“CUBE”] And Which THEY CIRCUMAMBULATE, In A RITUALISTIC Fashion. And, Like THEIR FALSE god ALLAH, The GREATEST DECEIVER, The ACCUSER, The CORRUPTER [Ie. SATAN,] THEY ACCUSE The Virtuous Of “CORRUPTION”; The MURDERERS ACCUSE The Innocent Of “MURDER”; The HATERS ACCUSE The Righteous Of “HATE”; The WAR MONGERS ACCUSE The Peaceful Of “STARTING WARS”; And THEY FIGHT Us And Our Jewish Allies, In The Name Of Peace; THESE SAME COWARDS WHO Are LOVERS Of DEATH CONTINUALLY ACCUSE Us [The Lovers Of Life] With “Cowardice”; While COWARDS WHO PROMOTE INSTANT DEATH Are GIVEN The [FALSE] Title Of The Brave; MURDERERS Are NOW MARTYRS; Their FUNERALS Are CELEBRATED As Weddings And THEIR Victims Are CALLED CONSIDERED Unworthy Of Even A Funeral; THEIR SAVAGERY DEBAUCHERY And THEIR LIFESTYLE On THIS Earth IS [MORE Like] HELL~ VOID Of [Even The Most Innocent] Music Or The Joyous Sound Of Wedding Bells. EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN!!! BUT, SADLY, THEY CANT SEE ALL THIS… UNTIL [Or UNLESS] THEY Are PERMITTED To THINK And To Practice CRITICAL THINKING~ To THINK DEEPLY And UNTIL THEY EXCHANGE THEIR EVIL [FALSE] BELIEF SYSTEM And FILL THEIR HEARTS With LOVE And LONG-SUFFERING In Order To OFFER UP THEIR LIVES As LIVING SACRIFICES, And, NO LONGER As DEAD “SACRIFICES. _/\_ PRAY For Our ENEMIES, That THIS MIGHT HAPPEN For THOSE WHO MIGHT REPENT~ That HE MIGHT “OPEN THEIR EYES” And BRING THEM To A KNOWLEDGE Of HIS TRUTH, And A NEW LOVE For YaH’S Children. (Thank you Lynda S. Layton)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:41:11 +0000

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