No Court at the Hague to these degenerates - the Tribunal in - TopicsExpress


No Court at the Hague to these degenerates - the Tribunal in Donetsk The militia captured the archive with the data of those who bombed the city and participated in the so-called ATO In order Donetsk militia got a secret archive, which dropped during the retreat, one of the commanders of the Ukrainian units. Among the documents is a full dossier on all soldiers who took part in the fighting. Those who led the artillery shelling of residential areas in the cities of Donetsk region. Recorded time formed bumps and targets of attacks. As well as the names and addresses of close relatives of the soldiers who went to fight against the inhabitants of the South-East. Numerous forms, reports, and forms, certificates, military personnel, and accounting journal, in which, apparently, contains a complete dossier on all military personnel one of the parts involved in ATO in the South-East of Ukraine. Judging by the marks and inventory stamps on leaves, in the hands of the militia were complete lists of commanders and personnel of the military unit a-0224, stationed near Nikolayev. Column 79-th separate airmobile brigade, participated in the battles with the militia was defeated at Miusinska when fights broke out of the boiler. It is known that during the fighting, the Ukrainian army suffered heavy losses. Probably this archive was abandoned by the military during the retreat. And now the most important documents, many of which should be marked confidential, became public knowledge. Here are the coordinates at which they shoot. Here all you can trace - card fight. This notebook - journal commanders of artillery calculations. It details the recorded time and the coordinates of all the attacks that the Ukrainian army inflicted on the peaceful cities. There are also the names of those who gave the orders to shoot. Militia declare that begin to prepare a kind of database of all participants in the anti-terrorist operation in the Donbass. While experts argue about the possible legal consequences of this finding. On the conscience of the Ukrainian Army mass crimes against International law. In this regard, the documents can be the basis and material for a criminal case, said military expert Igor Korotchenko. And describe the Ukrainian army themselves the inhabitants of the South-East. Come on guys - the Ukrainian army. I mean, come on, will show the way, Im local. He told me pulls out a map, which is 1920! Where it has fields that are already living quarters are, the nine-story! - says one of the residents. The inhabitants of these nine-storey houses have already, that is, on yourself to feel Ukrainian methods of warfare. Everywhere visible damage from projectiles fired from Grad. The militia can say that I will continue to carefully examine all documents found. And then, as they say themselves, fighters, folders, and notebooks will be submitted to the competent authorities. It will be investigated by the Tribunal, who of these people took part in the punitive operations against the civilian population, who and what crimes were committed. Who was the gunner, who bombed the city of peace. So guys, from punishment you wont go anyway, and will be the peoples court! How many cities are you here was bombed, how many killed the locals! says one of the militiamen.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:15:37 +0000

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