No Damn Democrats. They still support and defend Barack Obama, - TopicsExpress


No Damn Democrats. They still support and defend Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Joe Biden, CAIR, Terrorism, and Geroge Soros. https://youtube/watch?v=rhbWqQIt2i8 sodahead/united-states/homeland-security-declares-christians-are-terrorists/blog-59077/?link=ibaf&q=christians+are+terrorists Washington April 7th 2009 – A newly unclassified Department of Homeland Security report warns that A) Christians, B) Returning US Soldiers, C) Political supporters of candidates such as Ron Paul, and D) Supporters of States Rights, ....Are Terrorist Suspects, who have to be closely watched, and assessed as to the Level of threat they may pose to the Federal Government of the United States Of America. The only thing we know about Barack Obama is he always lies and he loves and supports Terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, the Hamas, and his CIA trains, supports, and arms the Al Qaeda. Christians are being murdered and persecuted by the Islamic Terrorists our CIA works with in countries lie Qatar, Turkey, Iran, Kenya, you know, the countries Barack Obama loves and works with. Barack Obama should be arrested for Treason. Barack Obama should have been fired with Eric Holder for Fast and Furious or after Fast and Furious for their lies about Fast and Furious. Barack Obama and Eric Holder should have been fired when they were using our Federal Agenices like the EPA and IRS to target and harass Veterans, Christians, and Patriotsl. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, and most of our current Senate and House should have been fired or fired and arrested for their continued attacks on our Second Ammendemtn and religious freedoms and freedom of Speech, they all swore and oath to Suport and defend our Bill of Rights and throush their speeches and their horribly unconstitutionalNDAA, Barack Obamas new and improved and even more unconstitutional Patriot Act, Obamacare, Common Core Education, and the horribly unconstitutional Cyber Security Bill. Obama and our current Senate and House have turned the NSA, CIA, IRS, EPA, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Homeland Security,and FEMA into horrible monsters that do not respect human life, Human Rights, or Freedom. Barack Obama and his Administration and most of our current Senators and Representatives have no respect for human life like the nations of the United Nations that operate under Sharia Law. Our Media lies. Qatar, Kenya, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other nations Obama chooses to work with are on this list. cartomission/2014/03/17/where-are-christians-most-persecuted/ Want to see a map of Obamas friends? Do a google search for Map Nations Christian Persecution. How many of the Nations that are Obamas friends are on that map? The nations that persecute and murder Christians are Obamas friends. Our Media lies. Obama promises peace in our time and gives us war and with his Arab Spring and his Islamic Terrorist Friends pushes Sharia Law. Barack Obamas only Foreign Policy is War. ricks.foreignpolicy/posts/2013/01/22/obama_s_second_inaugural_address_peace_in_our_time_really_mr_president During the Vietnam war our LIberals were against War, during Obamas Wars our Liberals and our Media love war. WASHINGTON (AFP) – A US congressional committee on Wednesday urged Turkey to ensure religious freedom and return church properties to their “rightful owners” in a vote opposed by the Ankara government. After a spirited debate, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved a text that says Turkey should “end all forms of religious discrimination” and “return to their rightful owners” all churches and other Christian historic sites. “Religious minorities are under grave threat in today’s Turkey,” said Representative Ed Royce, a Republican from California. frontpagemag/2012/theodore-shoebat/the-rise-of-islamic-turkey-under-obama/ conservativecrusader/articles/b-hussein-obama-i-will-stand-with-the-muslims radio.foxnews/2014/09/02/obama-is-depending-on-worthless-arab-allies/ shoebat/2013/02/23/prophecy-what-lies-ahead/ foxnews/world/2014/05/11/us-panels-report-documents-christians-under-siege-in-arab-world/ No Democrats. Barack Obamas and Hillarys Arab Spring pushed Sharia Law. Sharia Law is slavery. Sharia Law is murder. Sharia Law is Terroristm. Sharia Law is torture. Sharia Law is the War on Women. Sharia Law is hate. The Democratic Party still is behind Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and Sharia Law. persecution/public/aboutvom.aspx?clickfrom=%3d73696465626172 Barack Obamas and Hillarys friends are CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Hamas. In our world the United States and Obama choose to work with monsters that operate under Sharia Law, murder Christians, spread Terrorism, and love war and violence. Barack Obama should be arrested for Treason, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and every one of Obamas Appointees and every member of the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, or the Hamas in our Government Agenices, National, State, or Local should be fired, today. The Nations Barack Obama can work with are Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Kenya, and other nations with horrible human rights records. In our world you can spread love with each word and with each action or like Barack Obama and CAIR, you can choose to spread hate. No Damn Democrats.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 13:41:07 +0000

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