No EFF Members are Joining ANC in Gauteng 19 December - TopicsExpress


No EFF Members are Joining ANC in Gauteng 19 December 2014 The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in Gauteng had the most organised and disciplined fighters at the National Assembly held at the University of Free State; playing a positive role in leading delegates in revolutionary songs and deliberations. The top six national positions have three members of EFF from Gauteng, i.e. Commissars: Nyiko Floyd Shivambu as Deouty President, Advocate Dali Mpofu as Chairperson and Magdeline Moonsammy as the Treasurer. A victory that didnt come on a silver platter, it was achieved through the persuasive skills of our PCT deployees and we remain humbled by the quality of the Gauteng PCT and its endeavours to promote and ensure unity prevailed at the NPA. To this end, we are disturbed by the lies and pie-in-the-sky dreams fabricated in the media, that EFF Fighters will be joining the ANC in their numbers. This fallacy is being spread that there are EFF delegates in Gauteng who wanted to disrupt the NPA. Further, we would like to dispel the myth that Gauteng delegates where involved in burning T-shirts and discrediting the new leadership. The truth is majority of Gauteng delegates and Fighters, after realising that they were able to get 50%, of the top six positions, developed new ambition of trying to achieve the same with CCT additional members - which was a difficult task to achieve. However, through engagements with other provinces and our own Gauteng regions Gauteng managed to get 20% of the seats - the highest figure to be obtained by a single province in EFFs first NPA. After Gauteng delegates were clarified, they continued to be part of the proceedings. ANCs attempts to lure EFF members are not new. Just a few days before the NPA, ANC sponsored a march to EFF offices a march that boomerang on their masters as only 29 rented people attended. Even this new attempt would fail, EFF members are clear of the ideological line of the party that they want economic freedom in our life time, a dream that remains perpertually deferred under the ANC leadership. ANC is falling apart and only those who are ideologically bankrupt would even dare to join it. What is clear and known is that the ANC are currently desperately scurrying to recruit genuine EFF members into the falling organisation. Fighters are providing information to the provincial leadership about secret meetings that ANC members are inviting them to, in order to entice them with false promised of jobs and tenders, to join the ANC. But Fighters understand the fundamental, life-changing and sustainable programme represented by our Seven Cardinal Pillars that will lead to the majority of the population to reclaiming their land and economic lives - which is the most important aspect of all our lives. As Gauteng PCT we are not deterred by these unfounded false stories that seek to sow divisions amongst our members. All delegates who were in Mangaung were representing their own branches and those whose mandates have not been carried through know very well that the will of the majority in situations like this prevail. We are part of the collective and all concerns raised were done in the spirit of building the party and ensuring credible and progressive leadership emerged out of the assembly. We remain fearless, radical and pledge our loyalty and support to the elected CCT and would ensure it is protected against forces of evil and those who want to derail us as we move towards victory in 2016 - Tshwane, Ekurhukeni and City of Johannesburg will be under an EFF government. Issued by: Economic Freedom Fighters, Gauteng Contact Persons: EFF Gauteng Provincial Chairperson: Philip Zorro Boshielo 083 214 3552 and 082 998 1111 Provincial Secretary: Malesela Ledwaba 082 783 4184 and 078 577 6394 77 Commissioner Street, Corner House Building, 2nd Floor, Johannesburg Facebook: Economic Freedom Fighters Gauteng
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 09:13:45 +0000

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