No, I am not afraid to voice my political, religious...views - TopicsExpress


No, I am not afraid to voice my political, religious...views publicly. These are the things that make me, me. Too many people wear masks, afraid that they will not get a job, or might be judged/shunned because they show the world their true selves. If a person shuns me because I am not their duplicate, it is their ignorance. If a person judges me because my definition of God or existence is not the same as theirs, it is their ignorance. If a company doesnt hire me because of my personal moral views, they are not the type of company I want to slave away for. To me its far more valuable to search for knowledge, evolve in understanding, and to use the capacity God/nature has given us then to hide in a corner in judgement whether that judgement is voiced from the church pulpit, or in snide jokes which only make the world more ignorant and self-absorbed. So no, I am not afraid of being me because I like no one else know all or am perfect, that doesnt scare me. What scares me is not caring, and not having the capability to make informed decisions based on deep study of ALL SUBJECTS available to us today. An ignorant world full of plastic Barbies and Kens more concerned about imitating socialites then what laws are being passed for their and their childrens future scares me. A world where people are so caught up in their own survival because governments have so enslaved us to the unnecessary that we cannot stop to think of another circumstance somewhere else in the world scares me. Companies destroying our earth, starting unnecessary wars, perpetuating poverty, and putting out products which are causing unnecessary deaths and suffering SCARE ME. Please dont send me messages warning me that being outspoken about hot button issues may screw up my life, the pain I have had to go through simply for being a woman propels me - ignorance had much to do with that and I as a woman, as a person, have the responsibility to exchange ideas with others especially those with opposing views so that we may come to a better place, not regress. Please do not insult my intelligence again, I am more than aware that there are people out there who would rather live in a black hole then to see the light because theyre afraid to discover truth about themselves. I feel sorry for such people, I will never be afraid of them nor will I ever shy away. Thank you for your concern, but dont be - its called strength of character.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:43:00 +0000

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