No I havent been playing on Facebook all day - writing lesson - TopicsExpress


No I havent been playing on Facebook all day - writing lesson plans for tomorrow. If you havent figured out the major focus of common core yet - its the outcomes. MIDDLE SCHOOL Framework for Teaching Daily Lesson Planning Template Teacher: Mr. Smith Journey’s Class (Creative Arts/RELA) Date: Monday March 31st & Tuesday April 1st Lessons. 5.1 Curriculum Standard(s) Identify the curriculum standards to be taught and how they connect to other standards within or outside of the discipline. (FFT) Value, sequence and alignment Common Core Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.2 • Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text. Topic : Previewing Objective: The students will Select and apply appropriate strategies to prepare for reading the text Instructional Outcomes Identify the important concepts and skills that students will be expected to learn. (FFT)(Clarity) The students will Apply comprehension skills through exposure to a variety of texts, including traditional print and electronic texts Activities Include the warm-up or opening to lesson, activities to engage students in the intended instructional outcomes, and closure activities. (FFT) (Balance) ( Learning Activities) ( Structure & Pacing) Warm Up: (5 minutes) Discussion of yesterday’s lesson, today’s lesson and tomorrow’s lesson. Outcome: We will be able to identify 2 strategies that can be used to help the students understand important vocabulary from the story and use the vocabulary to help develop an accurate preview of a story. Preview of Skill and preview of skill strategy In Expedition 1 through 4, we learned several different strategies that can help us understand what we read: Let’s see if we can remember them. 1. CPR strategy – vocabulary strategy C = (Context) Read the sentences containing and surrounding the word for context. P = (Parts) Break the word into smaller parts such as prefixes and suffixes or two smaller Words. R = (Resource) Use a resource such as a dictionionary 2. W-I-N (Main idea STRATEGY, asking questions about a text, and summarizing a text). W = (who or what) Find the most important who or what in a paragraph or section. I = (information) identify the most important information about the who or what. N = (number) State the most important information in a small number of words. In this Expedition, we will review and practice using all of these strategies. We will try to think of them as a playbook for the “game” of reading. If we use these “plays” or strategies wisely and at the right times, they can help us get more knowledge and enjoyment out of what we read. Opening: (5 minutes) Preview of Skill and preview of skill strategy Have students turn to Anthology page #67 and look at the photo on the page. Discuss the natural disaster shown in the photograph. Tell them that in this Expedition (#5) we will learn about: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami’s and think about the differences between fact and fiction, in text, in the “news,” and even in the way people look and act. : I Do (Whole group) (15 minutes) Outcome: The students will be able to read the vocabulary words, brainstorm about earthquakes using the vocabulary using a worksheet, and build background knowledge and use that information to answer units, “Essential Questions.” Example or modeling of skill strategy. Red group: Green group: Have selected students read the vocabulary words. Tell the students that knowing the words will help them better understand the article. 1. magnitude - 2. pressure - 3. resist - 4. occur - 5. plate - 6. fault - Have everyone turn to page #68 in the blue books, and tell them that we are going to begin with a new strategy: previewing. Give each student a copy of Transparency #4. The first article that we are going to read is called “Lessons from Earthquakes.” • Let’s brainstorm what we already know about the topic of earthquakes. I know that an earthquake occurs when a giant crack in Earth’s surface moves suddenly. Write giant crack in Earth’s surface in the top Previewing box. • Record student shared information about earthquakes in the previewing box. • Read the title and headings aloud together. Skim the article and predict what it will be about. Write in the students predictions section of the worksheet (Section #1) Help to build the student’s background knowledge by reading the following to them: about California earthquakes. • The two huge geologic plates under California move about 2 inches every year. There are thousands of faults throughout California, but only a few of them present hazards because they have low rates of movement along them. • Instruments called seismographs record vibrations that indicate earthquake activity. • In California, seismographs detect quakes in many areas of the state every day. • Each year, more than 100 of these quakes are big enough to be felt. About three times a year, the quakes are large enough to cause moderate damage. • Major quakes occur about every 10 years in California. The latest major earthquake was the Hector Mine Quake in southern California in October 1999. The quake cased little damage, though, because it occurred in a sparsely populated area. Have the students attempt to write or share their own answers to the following “Essential questions.” 1. How has the Earth changed over time? 2. How are Earth’s changes and natural disasters connected? 3. How can science help protect us from natural disasters? We Do (Whole group) (25 minutes) Outcome: The students will be able to watch a DVD about earthquakes, use the information from the video to answer questions about them, and use the “CPR,” strategy to find the meaning of today’s vocabulary words. Practicing skill strategy together. Have the students watch DVD 5.1 about the movement of Earth’s plates, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis in 2 small groups – viewing on the laptops if the projector doesn’t work. Have the students attempt to write or share their own answers to the following questions about the video. 1. What main message were the people in this video trying to communicate? 2. What did they have to say about _______? 3. What parts of the video helped illustrate or support this idea? Read the article with / or for the students. Selected students should be allowed to read the article on their own – if they do not need assistance. Tell the students that as we read the article, we will also review the vocabulary strategies we’ve learned. We used context, parts of words, and resources (CPR) to figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. We will use the worksheet given out earlier. 1. In paragraph #2, we see the word (toppled). Can we use context to figure out the meaning of this word? Why or why not? (No there is no context to help with the word’s meaning.) Vocabulary Strategies: Word: magnitude Context Parts of a word Resource: Dictionary the size or strength of something. Words: pressure Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary The force or weight against something Words: resist Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary To stand firm against something Words: occur Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary To happen Words: plate Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary A block of Earth’s crust Words: fault Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary A large crack in the surface of Earth You do (independent) (20 minutes) Outcome the students will be able to use the “CPR” strategy to find the meaning of vocabulary words and what they meant when using them to preview the story. Worksheet or Expedition follow up completion of skill strategy independently Words: occur Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary To happen Words: plate Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary A block of Earth’s crust Words: fault Context Parts of a word Resource Dictionary A large crack in the surface of Earth Closing/Exit Ticket: (2 minutes.) Review of prior days lesson, today’s lesson and links to future lessons. Red group: Green group: Write a definition for previewing and the parts of the CPR strategy: 1. Previewing: 2. CPR C = P = R = Questions/ Discussions “Essential questions.” 1. How has the Earth changed over time? 2. How are Earth’s changes and natural disasters connected? 3. How can science help protect us from natural disasters? ( FFT) Suitability for Diverse Learners Include any adjustments to the activities to accommodate student-learning needs. (FFT) Instructional Groups Groupings will be based on pre-assessment. (S.R.I. scores), and current classroom performance Red group (high) Green group (low) (FFT) Resources . Student anthology, Student resource book, pencils/pens, notebook paper, projector, computer, Closing/ Assessments Formative/SummativeHome Assignment/ Homework Vocabulary assignments or Advanced Word Study assignments. Advanced Word Study: We are now focusing on a group of words called synonyms. Words with the same, or similar, meanings are called synonyms. Examples: urban and city. These words have the same, or similar, meanings. Below is a list of words and their synonyms. Draw a line from one of the words to its synonym. 6th Graders: 1. What is a synonym for the word ill? _________________ 2. What is a synonym for the word small? __________________. Below is a list of words and their synonyms. Draw a line from one of the words to its synonym. 1. sunny nearly terrible quickly 2. fast bright awful almost 3. hurricane millions alligators urban 67h Graders: 1. ill reckless late large 2. careless tardy sick grand 3. unsafe upward rainstorms affect 8th Graders: 1. tiny damage look mad 2. destroy small angry see 3. loudness activate difficult declassify Read the vocabulary words with their definitions and the sentences that follow. Knowing the words will help you better understand the articles. 1. magnitude - the size or strength of something. 2. pressure - the force or weight against something. 3. resist - to stand firm against something 4. occur - to happen 5. plate - a block of Earth’s crust 6. fault - a large crack in the surface of Earth 7. enormous - very, very large 8. legend - a story that is most likely untrue 9. urban - having to do with a city 10. culture - the beliefs and ways of life of a certain group of people 11. acre - a unit of measure for land 12. surge - a sudden rise in ocean water levels.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:41:32 +0000

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