No! Its not a question of lying. Its a statement... of lying. - TopicsExpress


No! Its not a question of lying. Its a statement... of lying. Its not an assumption, because... (audience cheering and applause) No, let me explain! All I know is this. When you assume, it makes an ass out of THEY WERE LYING!!!!! (audience laughter And they knew they were lying when they said that! But now, Benghazi, the State Department and the CIA had information that things were dangerous. Shouldve had more protection, that is true. I mean, imagine, thatd be like sending soldiers to the front lines in a war of choice without properly up-armored vehicles. And not only taking way too long to fix that problem, but answering a soldiers question about that problem like this. DONALD RUMSFELD (12/8/2004): As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want. Ah, zing! I forgot just how many catchphrases came out of Iraq. I tell ya, that thing was like the Steve Urkel of wars. (audience laughter) So if you are upset about Benghazi, that Rumsfeld thing mustve really massaged your O-spot. You know what I mean? Your outrage spot, which totally doesnt exist? (audience laughter)
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 17:06:12 +0000

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