No Matter How Deep the Wounds, God Can Heal Your Hurts. Everyone - TopicsExpress


No Matter How Deep the Wounds, God Can Heal Your Hurts. Everyone hurts. The pain runs deep, the scars never seem to fade, and the memories torment us. As a result, our growth is stunted, our walk crippled, our relationships infected. Will relief never come? Yes -- when you put yourself in the hands of Jehovah-Rapha, the God who heals! No matter what youve done or whats been done to you, He wants to be your refuge. He loves you. And He offers healing for your deepest wounds. Discover how God can turn your sorrow into joy in Lord, Heal My Hurts. Life Hurts! As a young believer a wise mentor told me “The enemy knows he can’t have your soul so he will do everything he can to keep you from doing what God has called you to do!” I’ve thought a lot about that over the years. Interesting enough some of the largest obstacles we face come as a result of hurts in our lives. Some hurts are such that the magic of a mother’s kiss heals them. Others need a little more attention and a trip to the doctor for stitches. But some hurts are so traumatic that major surgery is needed to bring healing. Hurt is inevitable My two year old granddaughter loves to play outside. She loves: playing in the rocks in their driveway, digging in the dirt, smelling the “flowers” (most of which are weeds) planting seeds and stomping in puddles after a rain. She loves it so much she cries when she has to go inside. But when you go outside to play there is always the possibility you will get hurt. Scraped knees, stubbed toes, bee stings or worse, broken bones are some of the casualties of the great outdoors. For some reason my mother was always afraid I would break my neck or lose an eye. It is the same in life. I love spending time with family and friends, working with a great group of people, travelling and meeting new people etc. However, living in a world filled with people can be very dangerous. One of the biggest lies ever told is found in the childhood chant “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!” Wounds inflicted by the hands and mouths of others: name calling, controlling, abuse of all kinds, heartbreak, betrayal, devastating news and the list goes on and on. Starting as children we learn to deal with skinned knees dashed hopes and heartbreaking setbacks common to fallen humanity. How well we coped with these difficulties, challenges, and unexpected obstacles determined in large measure what sort of man or woman we’d become, and how we navigate our way through life. But there are hurts and then there are HURTS! Sometimes the pain we experience goes much deeper than surface pain, it pierces deeper than we ever thought possible, utterly overwhelming us. So where do we turn when we find ourselves beyond our own ability to cope? What hope do we have that it will ever go away? Dealing with hurts Scrapes need to be cleaned to keep them from becoming infected. Deeper wounds need to be cleaned out also before being sewn up otherwise they will fester and eventually more drastic measures may have to be taken to insure the area totally heals from the inside out. Deep emotional hurts are no different. If you don’t treat the source of the pain it festers and occasionally bursts through the surface only to have a Band-Aid put on it. Inside the poison continues to seep into the depths of your being. The venom affects your thinking and your reasoning. The memory of things done to us or by us; stunts our growth, cripples our walk, infects our relationships and keep us from carrying out God’s plans and purposes for our lives. Imagine what would have happened if Paul never got past the horrific things he had done to God’s church. There is hope for healing from deep, deep wounds. But there are a few important things you must do Ask yourself “Do I really want to get well?” Jesus asked the man who had been lying by the pool of Bethesda for 38 years if he wanted to get well. It was at this pool that an angel of the Lord stirred the waters so that those who stepped in after the waters had been stirred could be healed. A seemingly strange question which the man did not answer directly, but rather made excuses. Jesus then said, “Pick up your pallet and walk.” Immediately the man became well and walked. (John 5:1-9) At that point the man had a decision to make, and that was to trust Jesus for his healing. Be willing to do whatever it takes to get better. We can really want to get better but if we never go to the doctor nor allow him to surgically deal with our hurts we will never be healed. In order for healing to take place we have to be will to do whatever it takes even if it means we have to • face those things that caused the hurt to start with • be willing forgive those who hurt us. God wants you to be healed Whether you believe it or not God loves you. He desires your wholeness, your healing. About 2500 years ago God had a prophet named Jeremiah write down His burden for His people who were hurting. Listen to the anguish of Jeremiah’s heart: “For the brokenness of the daughter of my people I am broken; I mourn, dismay has taken hold of me” (Jeremiah 8:21). Why the anguish? Was it because of the greatness of the wound? No! It was because there was a cure for their hurts, and they were unaware of it. Listen to Jeremiah’s cry: “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?” (Jeremiah 8:22) Whatever your wound, your hurt—whether it is a mostly self-inflicted wound like Paul’s or whether it is a wound inflicted by others—God’s Word says that there is a balm in Gilead, there is a Great Physician there. And because of that you can cry out “Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for Thou are my praise” (Jeremiah 17:14). I know He will because He did it for me! Any child of God can be healed from the deepest, most horrendous hurts if he will learn three things: • How to apply the Balm of Gilead • How to follow the Great Physcian’s instructions • How to give His medicine time to work What the enemy used to try to destroy you, God will use to strengthen you and most importantly, glorify Himself! If you are truly a child of God your adversary, the devil can’t have your soul but he will try his hardest to keep you from doing what God has called you to do in an effort to stop God’s plan.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:06:32 +0000

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