No Need to Look Back Genesis 19:25-26 NIV, 25 Thus he overthrew - TopicsExpress


No Need to Look Back Genesis 19:25-26 NIV, 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Exodus 16:2-3 NIV, 2 In the desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. 3 The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death.” We have a tendency to look back at what was at the expense of not being grateful for our present reality. How many times have you been around someone who spends the majority of their time talking about past hurt and happiness? The conversation starts like, “Do you remember when” or “I can’t believe” but always stays in a reflective moment never giving account for the present. Now there are some who will contend reminiscing is good and no different than remembering a lost loved one or simply just recounting things that brought you joy which on the surface seems perfectly normal but if they would further interrogate they’d discover that most people’s journey backwards is due to a perceived reality of a present riddled with pain and a future that’s not promising. This ideology is flawed at best because we serve a God who is our present help and to turn our minds and efforts backwards represents our lack of faith to believe God has a brighter future ahead. Perhaps you are single and an old acquaintance periodically calls and instead of you thinking that situation is unfruitful you revisit the past and attempt to rekindle the relationship but find yourself more hurt and disappointed. However, we do not serve a God who plays life on rewind but He has the capability to fast forward your circumstances into a miracle. Now some will say but Jesus went backwards to raise Lazarus but you must understand He waited hours and allowed him to die and Him raising him from the dead was to show the power of the Father in the present moment. Lazarus awakes not talking about yesterday’s miracles but is focused on the present. Perhaps a married couple is having a myriad of problems and seemingly exhausted their options but instead of being totally committed to healing their broken marriage they both begin to call old friends and before you know it they have allowed outside forces to further weaken their marriage. The blessing is not found with a backwards mentality. The Israelites were being brought out of a tumultuous existence as they were slaves but in their weaken state they looked back on the food they had and desired to return not focusing on the Promise Land which laid ahead. Even if Pharaoh provided them with a King’s feast they still were slaves and had to endure his cruelty. In a real sense freedom comes at a price and many of the Israelites were unwilling to pay despite God continually showing them His protection. Perhaps a youth who was uprooted from a dangerous environment misses their friends and desires to return to the old neighborhood because the students at their new school are not friendly. Just like Lot’s wife the youth is looking back not realizing that God brought them out of destruction and looking or going back will lead to their downfall. Today you must make a vow to not allow the past brief moments of happiness to rob you of your destiny. The relationship did not work because I blocked it; the marriage while it is rocky is still covered by My hand, and young child despite being in the midst of gunfire I served as your shield of protection. If you truly knew that it was I the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Your Lord and Your God, and Your present help in times of trouble you would undoubtedly understand there is no need to look back.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:37:48 +0000

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