No captor wants his captive to go; Satan doesnt want his captives - TopicsExpress


No captor wants his captive to go; Satan doesnt want his captives to go but you wll be freed this morning wherever he has been holding you captive. I was on my knees praying this morning when this message came Danger of secret sins I stopped the prayer around 3:45am to obey heavenly vision when the burden became heavier. I spent two hours typing and preparing the message but the devil wiped it off as I was trying to post it, but I would not give up; I started all over again. Delay is not denial. What is that sin you enjoy in the secret and you think nobody is seeing you, but gradually taking you away from the plan and purpose of God. Gehazis destiny was wiped off because of secret sin, he thought Elisha would not know, he didnt know that Elisha was not only carrying physical eyes. He came back with the booty instead of him to repent was still telling lies, this provoked Elisha to pronounce the judgement of God upon him. 2kgs 5:20:27. When you lie before a wise man he will not argue with you neither will he see you as a liar but a big fool. Lie and stealing changed the destiny of Judas and gave his position to his neighbour. David enjoying secret sin, truly sweet in his mouth but terrible poison to the system of his destiny. He used his influence and position to oppress a loyal General but God dealt with him. The God that fights for the oppressed is still alive so let the oppressor cease his oppression. God sent his Prophet to pronounce the judgement. 2Sam 12:1-12. What he enjoyed in the secret brought open shame upon him. Disaster, tragedies began to hit him from every side. May this never be your portion. Meanwhile how do you feel when ever God sends His word to correct you, sober, repent or you rebel, you hate the preacher and you wish he should fall down and die. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy Pr 23:13. Are you a lia, thief, manipulatior? Are you unfaithful to your spouse? Repent now betore it will be too late. You may say, I have been doing it and nothing has happened; that is why God is asking you now to repent before something will happen. Danger is the possibility that someone may be harmed or killedaccording to dictionary. What you do in the secret and you think no man is seeing you remember God is seeing you. Sin sinks glory, harms, maim and kills. It brings down from throne to the dust and can turn a great business empire to desolation. My son if sinners entice you consent thou not pr 1:10. If we cant meet here on earth we shall meet in heaven by His grace. May you never miss the plan and purpose of God for your life in Jesus Name.. Blessings!!! I Love You.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:17:55 +0000

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