No coincidence. They are, much like Blackwater, mercenaries. FACT. - TopicsExpress


No coincidence. They are, much like Blackwater, mercenaries. FACT. Theyve been in Jordan and Turkey training the opposition to Assad. FACT. Their name was well known in the Syrian conflict long before the current incarnation of ISIS became apparent. FACT. The partitioning of Iraq into Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish areas is part of the the Yinon plan. FACT. Their website gives no indication as to the meaning of the term ISIS. FACT. As you can see from Tonya Franklins response above, even the company are struggling to invent a meaning for the ISIS log/name. Most all companies would have a logo that corresponds to their title, in this case the company should be called ITT. That a jihadist grouping would give themselves an English title is a joke! ISIS were in theatre, the recruits knew they were part of a grouping called ISIS. When the mandate to bomb Syria was not given last year, plan B meant the creation of a new threat to justify bombing and invasion, and as if out of nowhere ISIS appears, ready to go, fully armed, funded and supplied. A few media PsyOps later and we have Hagel announcing that their going to bomb Syria, mission objective. See through the bullshit Eliezer. And ask yourself this. In a world of total control and surveillance, and drones, and communication intercepts, how could this have happened WITHOUT help from the US/NATO/EU alliance. Of course, it couldnt. This is another case of controlled opposition, the goal being the destruction of Syria, Iraq, Iran, all stated aims of the Zionists, and the creation of the Greater Israel State, as detailed in the Yinon plan. No coincidence.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 08:17:10 +0000

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