No diet, no matter how healthy, can cure Autism. There is - TopicsExpress


No diet, no matter how healthy, can cure Autism. There is absolutely no evidence that diet is the cause of autism - Prof Cheryl Dissanayake a world-recognised autism expert. While I dont agree with Pete Evans that all grains and dairy are harmful to health, I do agree most people need to greatly reduce their intake of refined grains and that many also need to reduce intake of some dairy. I also agree that logos such as the heart foundation tick do need to be looked at. It is a guide to point people toward better choices, it does not automatically make that food an excellent choice, but many people will see it that way due to the endorsement. Personally, I never buy food with the tick or low GI logo. I dont do this deliberately, I just dont eat a great deal of food from packets and the ones I choose, I base on high fibre and no food additives/preservatives and they just dont happen to have the logos. Bottom line is humans do not need the vast majority of highly proceeded foods that are available to us. Instead we all need to focus much more on whole-foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruit, nuts, lean protein, eggs, fermented yoghurts and cheese and high fibre unrefined grains. The food industry needs to change if we are going to improve the health of people exposed to Western diets Note: When I say highly processed I am referring to baked beans in a cheesy sauce vs a tin of kidney beans, or seasoned veggie chips vs plain frozen veggies, or a sweetened breakfast cereal vs rolled oats. We dont need to avoid packaged food completely, we just need to be more selective with out choices and this where dietitians can guide you. As always, feel free to share. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on FacebookClaims the Paleo diet can cure autism are misleading
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 01:16:39 +0000

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