No doubt about it, hunger is unpleasant. In fact, it can be - TopicsExpress


No doubt about it, hunger is unpleasant. In fact, it can be downright embarrassing when your tummy grumbles for your attention at the most inappropriate times. And no doubt, we certainly experienced the hunger pandemic during our classes and lectures, especially during the winter season. However, thanks to hunger, our sleepy eyes and minds grew bright, waiting to broke into laughter, when we heard the lovely stomach songs made by the person sitting next to us. In extreme cases, the rumblings may seem replying to one another, even the Doctors could be hearing. Then, youd guess, Everyones starving... So, is there a solution for all this? Many among us complained about not having enough time to fill up. Be it breakfast, lunch or class-to-class gap simple snacks. We felt like wanting to move the clock faster, to get home and eat. Some of us even hold up their tummy with hunger, to the extend that they walk home from class everyday with a rumbling, aching, painful tummy thats crying to be filled with. Then, are we supposed to blame our tight schedules as medical or pharmaceutical students, that we have to suffer the pain everyday? One simple solution for this, is to change the way we eat. And we focus on the most crucial meal of all meals, BREAKFAST. Some of us may prefer tomiyyah or perhaps a pack of tamr biscuits or Molto bread for breakfast before heading out to class. Some even prefer to have heavy meals like nasi lemak or telur separuh masak to start their day. However, do you know that our food choice for breakfast actually helps to stay full or feel satiety longer. One suggestion is to fill up on fibers. Fiber contains only 1.5 to 2.5 calories per gram, while other carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram. Fiber-rich foods also necessitate more chewing and slow the passage of food through the digestive tract. The fiber in carbohydrates helps prevent those peaks and valleys in blood sugar levels that can cause cravings and poor food choices. They also may stimulate a satiety hormone in the brain. Examples are high fiber bread, green vegetables and fruits. Avoid refined carbohydrates (like white bread, white rice, white pasta and sugar). When eaten alone, refined and simple carbohydrates can wreak havoc on satiety by causing rises and falls in blood sugar which trigger hunger every few hours. Also, take more protein. Studies suggest that protein appears to help prolong satiety more than carbohydrates or fat can. Best suggestion are baked beans and nuts like walnuts and cashews. Hunger can become the most disturbing thing for us students during classes. So, dont let hunger sink you from focusing and performing. So that next time when your Doctor asks Why you flunked your quizzes?, dont give them the lame excuse Its because Im hungry. Zagazig Academic Panelist, Academic Bureau, PERUBATAN Zagazig Chapter 2014/2015
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 17:28:45 +0000

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