No future president at the White House after - TopicsExpress


No future president at the White House after Obama. I would not. The Executive Office of the President should be located in a new Presidential Pavilion in a more secure.location in Americas heartland far from any future submarine missile attack or aircraft carrier strike (or small yacht having a terrorist payload of a nuclear dirty bomb, or a weapon of mass destruction that is either biological or chemical in nature) which potentially militarily threatens the District of Columbia and the entire Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf of Mexico coasts. It is a much better idea to turn the White House into a National Shrine and an office facility for a hyper-organized United States Department of The People, as the Constitutional Fourth Branch of Government and equal partner in government with the states, under the provisions of the 10th Amendment. Congress has crisscrossed the USA with rectangular 36 square mile Congressional Townships, with each of the 36 Sections being exactly one square mile. Congressional Townships are six miles long and six miles wide, and are ideal for periodic legislative mass meetings of voters as New England Style National Town Meetings, to pass resolutions of the will of the.people on issues of national, state, and local matters of interest, plus it provides WE THE PEOPLE with a forum in which to pre-file bills to be placed on the agenda, and to provide speakers with 3 minutes of time in which to orally, or by audio visual presentation, provide supporting reasons to identify their issue as one of the TEN MOST WANTED LAWS, which would be a mandate for the member of Congress of each district and also for each US Senator from that state, to sponsor and vote for in Congress. The sessions could be provided by closed circuit television to absentee voters at home. Each Congressional Township Assembly would also cast votes to elect its Congressional Township Chairman, Vice Chairman, Clerk, Bursar, Barrister, Constable, Justice of the Peace, Auditor, and Ombudsman and in like manner, each Congressional Township would cast votes to elect a slate of National, Regional (Time Zone), and State popularly elected officials of the Department of the People to coordinate the work of the Congressional Township Assemblies. A twenty one member Board of Regents should also be elected, which standing body would possess the powers of the Congressional Township Assembly when it is in adjournment. Congressional Township Assemblies as legislative mass meetings of voters, would meet from Friday till Monday during the last weekend of January, April, July, and October, and are audiovisual closed circuit televised forums for the proponents of ballot propositions to address and obtain thousands of voters signatures on petitions demanding public elections to be conducted for a public vote for initiatives, referendums, recall matters, at the state and local levels. As the Congressional Township Assemblies all meet in a public place at the same time, this is an opportunity for WE THE PEOPLE to amass tens of thousands of voters signatures on ballot proposition petitions, and to take blank petitions home so we can obtain more voters signatures. In this manner we should be able to amass sufficient numbers of signatures to satisfy state law requirements to put ballot propositions up to a public vote, within fifteen days of a session of the Congressional Township Assemblies. Note that the last weekend in October in election years is immediately prior to the November general elections that are always held on the First Tuesday after the First Monday in November, which provides a mass meeting of the voters a final opportunity to address issues of importance and to ponder the merits of candidates to be elected in the next few days. Each Congressional Township Assembly should be authorized to enact Township Federal Bylaws as Administrative Regulations having the force of law within the affected Township, which Bylaws are enforced by the elected Township Constables and their Deputy Constables in their capacity as the United States Highway Patrol, with the authority to maintain police patrols within the Congressional Township and on the right-of-way and within a 500 feet benefit district on either side of any Interstate Highway or any Federal Highway, that is located in the township or any contiguous Congressional Township, with offenders arrested by any Congressional Township Constable or Deputy Constable being tried before a Congressional Township Justice of the Peace Administrative Law Court in the Congressional Township where the offense occurred., with fines being collected by the Congressional Township Bursar and appropriated by the majority vote of the Congressional Township Legislative Assembly. Available revenues also include audio visual filmed 60 second messages from paying sponsors and also thirty second free public service messages provided by charitable organizations, fraternal societies and nonprofit groups, and also ten second still slides that are projected on screens behind any live speakers. The activities of the Congressional Township Legislative Assemblies include no spin factual reports to appear on individual Congressional Township, State, Regional, and National Dept. of the People web sites, and as mass media presentations of the hyper-organized WE THE PEOPLE, as to what is happening in government behind closed doors and the progress of Our TEN MOST WANTED LAWS in the state legislatures and the Congress, while publicly identifying Representatives or Senators obstructing the passage of our TEN MOST WANTED LAWS. The Congressional Township Legislative Assemblies serve a dynamic purpose of providing much needed local, state, and national government oversight that is of the people by the people, and for the.people, plus with ballot propositions being emitted by the Congressional Township Assemblies in each state, the moneyed special interests that influence State Legislators and Members of Congress cannot control a myriad of Congressional Township Assemblies are able to propose ballot proposition for good ideas that get killed in committee under the influence of the special interests and the power of their political contributions, thereby clearing the way for the people to vote at the polls to enact good and wholesome state and local laws, and to.identify and punish at the polls Members of State Legislatures and also Members of the United States Congress who oppose the TEN MOST WANTED LAWS of WE THE PEOPLE. The White House, after the Executive Office of the President moves to the new Presidential Pavilion, would be the offices of the Political Committees of popular caucuses that are various pressure groups, giving a voice to the political loyalists of groups other than the.political parties that have accessible to the ballot to nominate their candidates for election. The national leader of the US Dept of the People in the White House is the Premier, who is chosen every 4 YEARS in the.mid term season halfway between Presidential elections, for a single four year term limited term of office. The Premier has a Shadow Cabinet of Popular Oversight Ombudsman for each Cabinet-level US Department, a Defender General, and a Master Inspector General that provides popular oversight of the works of the executive department Inspectors General and would file federal court Applications for Writs of Mandamus court orders issued to force nonperforming public officials to do their duty (The Federal Reserve System Inspector General testified before Congress that she had no.power to audit the Fed, which is a lie!) This prompted a US Senator to read the Inspector General law to her face, which public law provides her with statutory power to conduct investigations for fraud, abuse, and waste, and to also audit the agency to which they have been appointed. Clearly, the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of government NEED continuous oversight and exposure of scandals from time to time, The proposed oversight to be provided US Department of the People is the answer to that goal. Sincerely and Respectfully Submitted, Judge Reed Chambers II (MO Admin Retired) National Executive Director US Tea Party Loyalists
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:39:07 +0000

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