No greater LOVE is known to man than the LOVE that would choose - TopicsExpress


No greater LOVE is known to man than the LOVE that would choose die... Selah! LOVE transported Him out of heaven to earth; so that When we were hopelessly lost, He died on our behalf on the cross. John 15:13 AMP No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends. 1 John 3:16 AMP By this we come to know (progressively to recognize, to perceive, to understand) the [essential] love: that He laid down His [own] life for us; and we ought to lay [our] lives down for [those who are our] brothers [in Him]. JUST WONDERING HOW MANY PARTNERSHIPS, RELATIONSHIPS, FRIENDSHIPS AND MARRIAGES ARE FOUNDED UPON THE LIGHT OF SUCH LOVE... #I_AM_THANKFUL_FOR_SUCH_LOVE_THAT_WOULD_CHOOSE_TO_LOSE_IT_ALL_AND_DIE_FOR_ME Christ to His Bride (The Church) - Me to You. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:06:05 +0000

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