No injustice whatsoever can be allowed. The government and the - TopicsExpress


No injustice whatsoever can be allowed. The government and the Chief Minister in particular are duty bound to crack down with an iron hand by nipping in the bud any unfairness. The government cannot remain a mere spectator and only rise from slumber after allowing the pain and agony of injustice to escalate. The very sad and sordid plight that those 23 little innocent Rivona School HIV+ students should make us hang our heads in shame. On a different note the current despair and state of perplexity faced by 29 impoverished families from Shiroda is also very nerve wrecking. Prashant Shirodkar, a contractor from Shiroda who is now allegedly absconding had over the last three years sought a mountain of multiple bank loans by pledging gold ornaments which have now been revealed to be all fake. The loans were taken from the Shiroda branches of the Quepem Urban Co-operative Society and the Goa State Cooperative Bank. Prashant Shirodkar besides taking huge loans in his name and that of his family members also took loans in the name of 29 local Shiroda youth whom he falsely induced to sign the loan applications. This whole scam clearly beyond any doubt smacks of a very planned organised financial crime which could never have been executed by the mastermind Prashant Shirodkar without the collusion and connivance of the higher management with possibly also the Directors of these two banks hand in glove. Incidentally Prashant’s cousin Datta Narayan Shirodkar is the gold appraiser for the Quepem Urban Co-operative Society while Prashant’s father Priti Shirodkar was the appraisal at the Goa State Cooperative Bank. Both these appraisers had certified that all this gold was genuine. A perusal of the documents reveals that the banks violated all rules and guidelines in disbursing the loans. As an example Prashant’s wife Parineta Shirodkar was disbursed two loans of five lakhs each on 26th November 2012 and again within days another two loans of five lakhs each on 5th December. A further five lakhs was disbursed on 12th December, followed by yet another loan of another five lakhs on 14th December. Prashant Shirodkar who the police claim is untraceable, misused and abused the goodwill of his friends some of whom were employees of his company by making them blindly and innocently sign these loans forms. Interestingly the bank approved two to three loans on a mere one signed application while none of the loan application forms have the mandatory photographs of the loanees. The police should not be harassing these poor 29 youth and instead should zero on by focussing on the Senior management of the bank including the Directors not forgetting the two gold appraisers who all connived and collaborated with Prashant Shirodkar to mine into the coffers of these two banks as hollow as it could get. Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar needs to step in immediately to stop this mental and physical harassment being inflicted on these 29 youth who are being persecuted for a crime they never committed while the real culprits for being well connected and influential big fishes are scot free and having the last laugh. Justice must prevail. The police should demonstrate the same enthusiasm and proficiency shown in the Tarun Tejpal case by gunning down Prashant Shirodkar and those who abetted to this multi crore crime which has mauled into the coffers of these two banks but more over left these 29 poor Shiroda youth in a quandary. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jr Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:13:18 +0000

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