No matter how I resist the temptation of criticizing the failures - TopicsExpress


No matter how I resist the temptation of criticizing the failures of government of my State – IMO State, but rather concentrate on what I will do to bring back the government on its feet when voted, yet issues and events keep compelling me to always keep informing IMO people that, the government is still failing its people and however, by implication, the State is on the wrong hands. Any government that fails in protection of its people is counted as a failure, and any government who fails on its duty to protect children is deemed as cruel. And this is more reason why every responsible government takes the issue of children so vital, to protect them, care for them, enforce laws for their welfare, prevent and combat cruelty, whether physical or moral, or any form of abuse against them. It is the duty of government to protect children who may, or are exposed to any kind of exploitation, or cruelty, physically and morally. In this regard, IMO State government is lacking. Let me remind us, immediately after independence in 1960, Dr Francis Akanu Ibiam became the Governor of Eastern Region, holding the office until the military coup of 15th January 1966 that brought Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi to power. Throughout his administration, he was so dedicated about children’s welfare and to protect them against any form of abuse and cruelty. In an effort to achieve this ultimate goal, he founded, (Nigeria Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children) (N.S.P.C.C.). Its objectives are as stated above and their MOTTO was: “Rescue the perishing, Care for the Dying”. Today in my State, we have a government that says they are on a “Rescue Mission”; however: Our children are hawking on our high streets, selling sachet water, peanuts and groundnuts. Our children are morally and physically being exploited in different manners. They are vulnerable to kidnapping. This shouldnt be! Our children need to be in school and their families assisted to avert the cause of sending them on high streets to hawk. “Our children are perishing, our children are dying and the authority that needs to CARE for them is UNCONCERNED about their situation”. To redress this: Support Ejike Ikezuagu for IMO Governor 2015.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:23:41 +0000

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