No matter how great a person is... egocentrism will annihilate - TopicsExpress


No matter how great a person is... egocentrism will annihilate that greatness . The narcissist cuts your heart to pieces. His blatant bad thoughts and opinions of you make you feel so ashamed, ugly and unattractive. Nothing hurts worse than to have the one you love focus on and exaggerate all your negative points and dismiss and downplay your positive points. Most people cant understand the pain asocciated with this, as they have never had a partner look for the bad in the so exhaustingly as the toxic narcissist will. Narcissists are insatiable bottomless pits, who are never satisfied regardless of where they are, what they have or who theyre with. The narc that abused me went on what should have been a beautiful family vacation with his kids to Disneyland. There was a picture of him, in a teacup, surrounded by his children with a horrible scowl on his face. I told him, Youre at the happiest place on earth and you still cant be happy. Thats how narcissists exist. Everyday is a change to beoman their lives and remind everyone around them in the most melodramic fashion how ungrateful they are with with what they have and how miserable they are in equisite detail over things that dont go their way, people that dont pay them attention or how unappreciated and ungrateful everyone else is for how much the narcissist does for them. These people just dont know how to get over themselves because to not exist miserably as the center of attention in others lives might just mean they dont exist at all. Breaking the spell is hard. You care a great deal about what the narcissist thinks of you. And since you have given up your independent sense of self around them you feel like it would be very hard to decide too look at things critically. If you work for such a person you have an even greater need to maintain the status quo. If you are a child growing up with narcisstic parents this process of breaking the spell is virtually impossible. If you have just met a narccisist and fallen under their spell you may leave the encounter feeling excited about getting closer to them. But after you have been away from them for a while the trance state weakens. Soon you may notice that your liking for them was out of proportion. Your sense of self will gradually be restored as you get further away. This is a chance to use your critical faculties to understand what has happened. You can never be in the spotlight when you are around a narcissist. Even when they appear to be focused on you it is really about them. But sometimes we all need to take center stage in a conversation ar at in meeting. If you try, it will always feel awkward, like it somehow doesnt come off right. You will begin to feel thwarted and frustated. You may even feel some self criticism or despondency. Listen to this feeling. If you are in relationship with a narcissist you will sooner or later begin to feel that you are never getting listened to and that there is never real connection or easy exchane of ideas. One way you may notice this is that you will have to go outside your relationship to have real conversation. When you call that other friend you can begin to see that your real relationship is with that friend, not with narcissist. You have broken the spell.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:38:40 +0000

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