No matter how hard you try to convince the world that you are ok - TopicsExpress


No matter how hard you try to convince the world that you are ok how many smiles you fake Maybe youve lost a loved one,Things are a bit hard at home or you going trough a bad break up? Many can tell you naa pick up the pieces move on dont stress it Dinges het deurie selfde ding gegaan yirre het j gesien sy/hy hettie nog op ha/hom lat wag nie naa not everyone is strong enough to deal with things the same way You gotta be at peace with your self dont worry about painting a pretty picture of your life for everyone to admire it It all comes down to those moment when you laying in bed alone with your thoughts Its ok to be feeling how you feeling I also thought ignoring certain things in life would make them go away but Ive realised that you have to allow yourself to feel things even pain every last ounce of it and in that state you will find yourself and your break trough come out on the other side so much stronger It may seem like everyones always happy you permy emotional or a downer naa believe me amal gaan dee hulle dingetjies Suicidal? if we could compare notes on whos taken how many knocks in life then you would feel guilty for wanting to take your own life because believe me theres always someone who has it worse always So if your eyes are tearing up of jou hartjie voel miskien nie soe leka nie Ek hetie die mooiste woorde om jou met te troos nie but Say a Prayer and keep the faith...God Knows Your Heart And He Sees Those Tears Goodnight
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 21:10:44 +0000

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