No matter, if you prefer Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, thats - TopicsExpress


No matter, if you prefer Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, thats superficial veneer. Do it right-yes, Im talking about Saturnalia. Do you think Saturn cares what you call him? Tricksters dont tend to. To Saturn, the word of sin is restriction. Dont spend Saturnalia arguing about trivial every day taboo. No, thats what the rest of the year is for. In all these traditions the focus is on the returning light, but more importantly the finding of it so that it may return. Where do you find it?- amidst the Chaos that is your life with-out it of course. For one day, dont even try to make it work. Admit the the chaos and even the folly of your day-to-day routine, especially the social dynamics. Set it aside.... for one day. You know what the season is really about then? Life experience and getting it. You couldnt work out in the field anymore. You had things stored for this time... things might happen on closed quarters on cold winters night. The day was about experiencing something, to be more enlightened for better or worse. You find yourself, at least in part through this process. So whats the bottom line? Forget how you do seasons greetings and do them. If theres someone youve been wanting to ask out but havent forthcoming telling yourself it couldnt happen... well ask anyway. Theres probably a holiday party coming up. You didnt miss Saturnalia because the only other time there wasnt social pressure on you to avoid saying screw it was Lupercalia and thats a freedom of what you just might have found at Solstice. Its all manners of life as well. But the thing is, unless a career is pleasurable to you it doesnt count. If you feel you need to express to your boss that your benefits suck.. you can do that. The issue there though to take on is a lack of self-expression. What is gained is the experience of being firm and taking charge. Remember its not a time to worry about benefits, income or all those things that trap us in such a place where we need Saturnalia in the first place. https://youtube/watch?v=TOEAkrAViCY
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:26:56 +0000

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