No matter the circumstances in our life; we are continually under - TopicsExpress


No matter the circumstances in our life; we are continually under the protection of The Most High. Today we know him as Jesus. Did you know? On May 1, 1945, is also the anniversary of the death of Adolph Hitler? Exactly 66 years later the world was given news of the death of another hate-filled leader; Osama Bin Laden! How is that for a May day! Many people came to know and trust the Lord during WWII. One was an Englishman who was held in a German prison camp for a long period of time. One day he read: Psalm 91:1-2: He that dwelleth in the secret place of THE MOST HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. (KJV) . Lord, he prayed, I see all the dying around me. Will I also die here? I am still young and want very much to work in Your kingdom here on earth. He heard these words: Rely on what you have just read and go home! So trusting in the Lord, he gets up and walks into the corridor towards the gate. A guard yelled out, Prisoner, where are you going? The prisoner replied, I am under the protection of THE MOST HIGH! The guard came to attention and let him pass, for unbeknown to the prisoner Adolph Hitler s code name was THE MOST HIGH. He then came to the gate, where a group of guards stood. They commanded him to stop and asked where he was going. Again he replied, I am under the protection of THE MOST HIGH. All the guards stood at attention as he walked out the gate. That officer made his way through to the German countryside and eventually reached England, where he told how he had made his escape. He was the only one known to come out of that prison alive! No matter the circumstances in our life; we are continually under the protection of The Most High. Today we know him as Jesus. On behalf of Nona Freeman; BLESS YOU IN JESUS NAME!! Choose you this day whom ye will serve. As for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 23:54:46 +0000

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