No matter what anyone says, they will never change the FACT that - TopicsExpress


No matter what anyone says, they will never change the FACT that Maria Divine Mercy is the End time Prophet, the 7th Angel, the Scribe of our Lord and is delivering the hidden book which Daniel was not allowed to publish and John was made to eat. No one can stop God Almighty or Jesus Christ or the Blessed Mother. Those who deny these messages are the very ones who refuse to turn away from what separates them from God and refuse to believe the Bible. In fact they dont even read the Bible and those who do, dont comprehend it. They read words and sentences without praying for the gift of understanding first, therefore they may flip through pages but ask them after they flip through the pages, to tell you what they read. You will find their response alarming to say the least. They live in a bubble of lies told to them to keep them dummd down and unprepared. They do NOT want to understand nor accept that the Second Coming of Christ is in our lifetime. They are as the people of Noahs day. Marrying, partying, working, striving for the next dollar and trying to make their way in this human realm rather than realizing that their treasure is NOT here.. They have not understood Galatians 6:7-8 7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Therefore they do not have the ears nor the eyes and have purposely left themselves unaware and unprepared and will be the very ones crying because when the Bridegroom arrives and the doors are shut for the Wedding Feast, they will not be allowed entry because their lamps will not have been filled. This is why we have been given the Crusade Prayers to pray for them. It is our Prayers. The Prayers of the Holy Remnant Army of Christ and the Protection of the Blessed Mother, that will be recourse to Christ for them. Do not give up on them. Pray for them because Yahweh, Our beautiful Father in Heaven loves them. He wants them and has given us the tools to help save them. The Holy Spirit had nothing to do with the election of Mr. Bergoglio. It was organized in advance by the Masonic Order that has completely infiltrated the Church, who work for the elites who will bring in the New World Order, the New World Government. In order for their New World Order / Government to work, they must first depopulate the masses which is why they have created all these wars, why they have contaminated our air, water and food supplies and why they are forcing vaccinations that are literal poison on global societies. Secondly and most importantly, they must be able to control the Religious. They put their man on the seat of Peter who will bring in the New World Religion and will be refereed to as the peoples religion.. All of this NWO and its flagship the New World Religion is NOT of God and Christ will be removed from the scenario, all by the hand of the False Prophet now seated on the seat of Peter who has gained the notarity, the worship, praise from millions through false humility and promoted by the Mass Media which is also owned and operated by the elites. This is a long term plan and God is allowing it because people have turned away from Him. This is the Tribulation and the wheat is NOW being separated from the chaff and the sheeps from the goats. People, including Priests have lost faith, they have stopped READING the Holy Word of God and they refuse to listen to Gods chosen messengers and prophets. Just as the Bible prophecised would happen in the time of the End. If it were not for the upcoming Warning very few would ever enter Heaven. Time to literally WAKE UP Folks.. Get on your knees, Repent and beg for Mercy. Prepare and make yourselves ready to stand face to face with Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the only truth and the only life. Without Him you will perish into the abyss of darkness and be tormented and suffer for all eternity. Its your free will, the choice is yours. God cannot and will not choose Himself for you. Choose wisely
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:15:13 +0000

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