No matter what religion people come from everyone who believes in - TopicsExpress


No matter what religion people come from everyone who believes in God has a spot inside that hates to see harm come to children and animals. What happened only a few days ago lasting less than a blink of an eye in ones life time was a most hideous act done. These people are not in peaceful protest. They are not just trying to pick a ruler that will be different. They are not just wanting some attention in the media. These people are running for their lives. They are trying to find just a moment that they can sleep without fear of never waking up. These people are husbands, wives, brothers, sister, grandchildren. And what about the animals? Are we suppose to think they are some kind of national threat they had to get rid of? Please I beg of everyone in the group. Try to get the word out to save what is left of Syria and the people. It has so much history for many religions. And it has so much written to happen here. These children deserve a chance! Please just for the moment put yourselves in their shoes. What would you want people to do? You could have been that mother holding her child as it took that last breath. Or been that father seeing your son there one minute and the next only a hole in the ground. What if you was the grand parent? The grand kids are your fountain of youth your reason to go on. Could you imagine having to watch them struggling to breath and nothing you can do to stop it. I am pleading with your humanity HELP these people! If not physically then by word of mouth. If not by mouth then share it around. Enough clicking on the web and they cant miss it or ignore it. Drop a rock or pebble it will still ripple the water and cause change. Just chose your rock or pebble and make a splash.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 06:46:17 +0000

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