No matter what the dominant skin pigment of the local community - TopicsExpress


No matter what the dominant skin pigment of the local community many Police Forces have adopted the “us against the community’ mentality” and have appointed themselves “not the enforcers of the law” but above the law they claim to be enforcing. They have their own set of laws and they’re often determined by how much, or how little, money their victims have. It’s not new but it has been going on too long unchecked and unregulated. Daily occurrences of harassment and the violation of Constitutional rights are the norm. We cannot hand otherwise normal human beings a license to kill and a gun to enforce their superiority. They are not Gods, they are not prosecutors, they are not court rooms, they are not juries, they are not judges, they are not executioners – yet this is the unchecked power we hand them…. And many of them lose sight of their job description: to protect and serve. Like all of us…. they make mistakes, like all of us their power goes to their heads – and why wouldn’t it? They have not been given a license to enforce the law – they’ve been given a license to play God. As young men lay bleeding in the streets – they’ve been sentenced. They’ve been found guilty and unjustly executed by a jury of 1. If we are to say you’re innocent until proven guilty then it should apply to both the killer and the killed. THAT is what this Civil Rights movement is about.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:05:18 +0000

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