No matter what your views of his family and position, as a human - TopicsExpress


No matter what your views of his family and position, as a human being he has shown across his life and work more intention, more integrity than the whole elite put together. That he is also a quietly practicing Sufi is not well known (this fact I know personally). From his one day becoming the titular head of the Anglican faith, this knowledge, publicly dispersed, would cause riot amongst the extremist Christians and ignorant masses, not say hand a field day to the Zio controlled MSM and fertile BS they would make of this. Multi cultural integration in secular and spiritual domains is a major step towards universal understanding, tolerance peace and harmony. That the PTB do not in any way wish for that outcome, makes extremism tolerated on every side of each fence, divisive agendas and ignorant cant the order of the day. The sort of inclusiveness Prince Charles embraces is presently used as more of a joke or fetid derision than one more road towards a solution. Most peoples comprehension of Islam, Muslims, Christianity and the rest is at best poor to negligible, at worst downright ignorant and counter productive. This also refers to many so called friends on this organ as well as the usual suspects, pundits and BS spouters around all social and general media. We are all in dire need of an education into our own humanity. For most this seems an unnecessary and navel gazing waste of time. However until that happens, we all remain in our barbarian state living at the level of animal reaction and response. The term civilised is and has so often been an illusionary term misappropriated for the stroking of individual and collective egos. Any and all of us are able to manifest change within our own domain. Until we practice what we so easily preach it means zip, nada,zilch....nothing. Actions are always louder than words and this human being, born into an unenviable position, tries against horrendous odds to do his bit. Take it or leave it, shooting down another is never the answer when they endeavour to proceed on a positive path, yet for many that becomes the path of easiest and self justifying action. So as always we need to look into our own mirror of awareness, question what we have learned or been taught. Seriously ask whether the tenets we hold dear are profoundly peace seeking or irrationally based bias that merely helps to extend the confusion, division, ego and intolerance festering amongst our lives today. It is thus more important to nurture our own self growth before even casting stones at others whose views and perceptions towards growth may irritate, annoy and anger us.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:35:39 +0000

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