No more appropriate time to pray for Israel: Pray for true - TopicsExpress


No more appropriate time to pray for Israel: Pray for true reconciliation in the Arab-Israeli conflict which is possible only through Jesus Christ. • Pray for Christians around the world to be educated and motivated to bless Israel in the name of Christ. • Pray for spiritual restoration as Jews at home and abroad call on the name of Yeshua the Messiah. • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6) SUMMARY Israel. The Chosen People and the Promised Land of scripture stand as testaments to the faithfulness of Gods promises. Despite having very limited natural resources, Israelis have developed thriving agricultural and industrial sectors in less than twenty years. Home to many historically and religiously significant Christian, Muslim, and Jewish sites, the capital city of Jerusalem has been conquered and reconquered for over 3,000 years, which has left the Old City quite divided. The capital is not the only partitioned area of Israel, though, as most of the nation still reflects an ancient and violent rift between the Palestinian and Jewish communities that has only deepened through the centuries. Despite various attempts to reconcile differences and settle land partitions, nothing has stymied the aggression between Arabs and Jews. Each side of the issue views the other as the aggressor. Palestinians believe the Jews are unlawfully occupying their homeland, whereas the Jews feel the land they are taking is theirs despite being exiled for thousands of years. After multiple armed conflicts and nearly as many failed peace accords, resolution is still far from being reached. Due to the conflict, Palestinians within Israel are treated as second-class citizens. On top of the ethnic and religious disputes, cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin are increasingly trafficked from Jordan and Lebanon. The Torah is viewed as both a historical record and religious law. Freedom of religion is a legal right, but is not always respected as Messianic Jews still struggle for political recognition. Christians are often harassed by conservative Jews and Muslims alike. Seventy-five percent of the population follows Judaism, with barely two percent Christian and the rest Muslim. Even in the face of animosity, the gospel is being spread and interest for the Word of God is increasing. The most powerful witness has been the testimony of Christian Jews as they are able to minister to their lost brothers and sisters in ways that the rest of the world cannot. As house churches grow, Gods grace is empowering and encouraging the evangelical leaders to spread the good news that Messiah has come and is coming back soon. Challenges for Prayer Major outreach challenges: a) The ultra-Orthodox Haredi are only 10% of the population, but they see themselves as the preservers of true Jewishness in Israel. They maintain a policy of political engagement with cultural detachment. More than 50% live below the poverty line. Strong religious legalism makes them quite difficult to reach. Pray that many more of these modern Pharisees may become like Nicodemus, a process that is already happening. b) Jews from the former Soviet Union and Poland are now the largest component of the population. They have changed Israel and are more receptive than most groups to the gospel, already comprising the majority of Messianic Jews. Many still need to be evangelized. c) The Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) have become a disillusioned, largely impoverished urban underclass since their immigration to Israel a decade ago. They number around 120,000; among them are fewer than 2,000 Messianic believers. d) The Arabs. Over 90% are Muslim, yet they also comprise the majority of Christians in the Holy Land. They are being slowly squeezed out by a combination of Israeli discrimination, Islamist persecution and international ignorance and apathy toward their plight. e) The Druze community (120,000) in Israel as well as in the West Bank and the Golan Heights. They are very closed to outsiders, but a movement to Jesus is beginning and accelerating. Opposition from within the Druze community toward Druze followers of Jesus will be intense. f) Guest workers. Since the Palestinian workforce was reduced for security reasons, a number of Romanian, Chinese, Filipino, Ghanaian and Nigerian workers took their place, and, more recently, Sudanese refugees have come in through Egypt. The Israeli government is cracking down on illegal workers, but there are a substantial number of Christians among them. g) Young people and children. They face security threats and an uncertain future, irreligious attitudes, New Age concepts and many cults and deviant groups seeking to win the hearts of the younger generation of Israelis. The children of poorer immigrants face intense disadvantages, both economically and educationally. The Protestant missionary force is impossible to enumerate, due to security concerns and the presence of so many who enter as tentmakers. It certainly exceeds 1,000. At times the hardness of the ground and unfulfilled visions can lead to disillusionment, but Israeli society is generally quite open. Many are searching for real solutions to the uncertainty, conflicts and suffering. Years of sowing seeds and breaking down long-held prejudices against Christianity are now bearing fruit. Foreign Christians must work to encourage and support the growing local congregations and ministries who are increasingly reaching out. Literature ministry is another area of fruitful contribution. The Ministry of the Interior often makes visas difficult to obtain or renew for Christian workers.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 12:03:38 +0000

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