‘No more ideology,’ Abbott cabinet told by Phillip - TopicsExpress


‘No more ideology,’ Abbott cabinet told by Phillip Coorey The federal government’s chances of a budget breakthrough any time soon are bleak, with Senate crossbenchers saying they will not be “bullied” by threats of tax increases. There was no sign of breakthrough in the standoff a day before Parliament resumed as members of cabinet were advised by Coalition party officials to show more public discipline. Following a six-week winter break marked by bungles, gaffes and mixed messages on budget and other policy issues, Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane and his Nationals counterpart Scott Mitchell spoke to the cabinet on strategy. Sources summarised the key ­messages as “no more distractions”, “no more ideology”, “stick to the middle” and “slow things down”. As part of this strategic shift, which includes abandoning the language of budget crisis, the government will progress slowly through the Parliament by only putting budget issues up for a vote if and when a deal has been brokered with the crossbench. Despite $47 billion in gridlocked measures, nothing of consequence is scheduled for debate by the Senate on Tuesday, the first day back. Absent are such measures as the proposed fuel tax increase, the abolition of the mining tax and eight associated spending measures and a proposed increase to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment, all of which are costing the government lost revenue this ­financial year. An increasingly anxious business sector is watching events closely and said it was time to consider the problems created by the budget impasse. “The priority now is to get some agreement on the consequences of ­failing to address Australia’s fiscal ­problems and a time frame for ­resolving them,” Business ­Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott said. “Fiscal resilience is an essential part of building a productive and competitive economy. Every dollar we spend paying the interest on our national debt is a dollar we don’t have to spend on something productive.” Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce issue the Senate a blunt warning. “If you’re trying to turn the finances of our nation around, there are going to be hard decisions to be made and if we don’t, we go broke.,” he said. On Sunday, Finance Minister ­Mathias Cormann said unless spending was brought under control, it was inevitable that taxes would have to rise if the budget were to be balanced. This was perceived as a threat by Labor, the Greens and the Senate crossbenchers. The Palmer Unite Party, the support of which is critical, had met on Sunday and leader Clive Palmer told The Australian Financial Review it has not changed its mind on the many budget measures it opposed. PUP senator Glenn Lazarus confirmed this with a statement lashing out at Senator Cormann and the ­government, saying he “would not be bullied into agreeing to budget ­measures which are unfair, cruel and unnecessary”. “This is simply another hollow and desperate threat on the part of a very arrogant and out-of-touch Abbott government to push through harsh budget measures so they can fund their own pet programs,” Senator Lazarus said. “I was voted in to look after the people of Australia, not to take basic support away from pensioners and hard-working Australians. “I think it would be political suicide for the Abbott government if they did try and introduce more taxes to the Australian public and I can’t see that happening.” Like Mr Palmer before him, Senator Lazarus said Australians did not vote for the more harsh budget measures last year and “if the Abbott ­government wants proof of this, they should go back to the polls”. He advocated income tax cuts to stimulate the economy and singled out for specific disdain the proposals to apply a Medicare co-payment and deregulate the university sector, which would cause the cost of a degree to spiral. “Education is one of the most important assets in our society and we should be making it more accessible to our people, not making it more ­expensive and difficult to access,” Senator Lazarus said. Coalition MPs, especially those in marginal seats, preparing for the resumption of Parliament were despairing at the performance of their senior colleagues over the winter. Most singled out for criticism were Treasurer Joe Hockey for his “poor people don’t drive-cars” statement, as well as Attorney-General George Brandis. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the fact the government was now focusing on strategy emphasised that the budget was a lost cause. “Down the hall, they are having another political strategy meeting to talk about the budget message,” he told the shadow cabinet. “They’re bringing in consultants to tell them not to insult Australians – or perhaps explain to Joe Hockey what poor people look like. “The government simply doesn’t get it. They don’t have a sales problem with their budget, they’ve got an unfairness problem with their budget.” afr/p/national/no_more_ideology_abbott_cabinet_Ctvy72uzUgqwzFrxvpeE2L
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:22:01 +0000

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