No one ever forces us to go against The Lord. We may feel - TopicsExpress


No one ever forces us to go against The Lord. We may feel forced and we may resist with all thats within us it seems but ultimately we cannot and will not do anything against our will. Eventually we make it our choice. It is always possible to resist no matter how much it seems impossible. We may even do despise the actually act we are tempted with but its the feeling and/or pleasure it brings that really is what keeps us from running. The belief of what we might feel like or already know what will come of it. Might be as simple as spending money or as gross an act as murder. It is seldom the actually act that is tempting and truly, to make it so much more disturbing, its most often something we are very much against but in our weakness we know it will bring us to a place of temporary bliss. This is the true act of evilness presented by satan is our addictiveness to something exploited by what we despise. Consider this: Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. ( James 1:13-15 ESV) This is what makes it so hideous is that from an outside perspective we look so sickening and disgusting because it appears that we found pleasure in the disgusting act rather instead an unrelated reaction occurs within us that brought the desire to go through such mess again. Some have learn to cut themselves very badly and often. Not because of the actually sharp object splitting open their skin but because of the internal/emotional feeling brought on by it. Im not saying we are evil. Satan is evil. Im saying we are weak and we need each other. It is so easy to get caught up in some behavior that is so hideous that no matter how much we love The Lord we are now trapped in it because its like a never ending cycle coupled with the fear of letting anyone know because we ourselves already cant stand that we are doing it whatever it may be. In this same book of James we are told that our freedom comes from confessing one to another so that the enemy cannot have a hold on us and that would be so easy to do if the act that brought on the emotional reaction was like chewing gum but satan doesnt do that. he puts before is hideous and disgusting things that will trigger an emotional reaction cause he knows we will be too ashamed to ever tell anyone. All my life I have frowned on catholic confessions, especially as it is portrayed in movies etc, and just thought it was lame that people would go act out badly knowing they could just go confess but mostly that is judging someones motives and intent. Im actually learning the power in these confessions realizing that this truly was, in some at least, setting them free from the bondage of satan. I also criticized that no one can offer forgiveness of sins accept Christ but I now realize that as someone confesses their sins to a priest he actually is being truthful to say your sins have been forgiven because that is what Gods word says will happen when we confess. I know that possibly many Fathers began to feel that they were actually the ones forgiving confessors as well as some confessors not really being contrite about it all bit that is between them and God in any situation, not just catholic confessions. At any rate Im just happy I finally realize this and have stopped judging the situation. satan is disgusting and will do everything in his abilities to bring us into disgusting situations attaching an emotional high to it causing us to feel there is no hope because no one would understand and we would be immediately stoned to death on the spot. This is a very sad trap that few people are actually able to have the faith and courage to confess the disgusting thing they got caught up in. Listen, once you have confessed it, it breaks it. The reason satan makes it so horrible is to keep us trapped. Its probably the most difficult thing any human ever has to face is their own disgust. We are as filthy rags to God even in our best behavior so theres nothing to worry about, Christ died once and for all for all transgressions. It is through this act that we are able to confess and be set free. Jesus made the way. No more tears. No more pain. No more suffering. Jesus paid for it all with His life. All we have to do is confess that weve been living without Him, repent of living without Him and surrender our life to forever live with Him. Doesnt mean we cant still be a target for the enemy, if anything it gets harder, but we come to a place of no more desiring things not of God and our eyes are opened to see the difference. I pray for courage for anyone reading this that has been caught up in disgusting things hiding from everyone around you that you will have the courage to confess this to a mature loving believer/follower of Christ. Speak to God out loud through Christ Himself confessing all the things that have brought guilt on you and repent of them meaning you will turn away from filth, and confess out loud that Jesus Christ, the son of God, is Lord over your life and you will follow Him till your last breath on earth. If you have done this then you have now been saved and God asks us to also be baptized, emerged in water, as an obedience to scripture and evidence of your heart and a profession to other believers that they too may experience in your joy of salvation. I pray in Christs Holy Name for anyone reading this to be set free from all the pain and suffering and shame and guilt in their life and will desire to only live to honor God from this second on. Amen
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 01:00:36 +0000

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