No one is above the Law Four policemen unable to neutralize a - TopicsExpress


No one is above the Law Four policemen unable to neutralize a drunken man?! To Mr Lorin Arnaud A person in state of drunkenness - as defined by international and local law - who challenges the public order, has to be warned and should this person pose a real threat for the citizens, the policemen are authorized to defend themselves and the public, they are bound to do so by shooting a warning shot - if the person has an alcolhemy of 2.9 gr./l.of blood and if he raises a weapon against the policemen -. In that case, they must shoot in the legs, in order to neutralize the individual. Sir, you have been able to neutralize two persons in state of drunkenness, why couldnt you do the same with Florea Dorel, a man who was suffering from a mental illness? You have killed a man - a mentally ill and drunken man, with a weapon, such were your own words - couldnt you just neutralize him? You have shot at this man, who had a psychopathology, without any warning (tir sans sommation). Was this brutal murder of the Rumanian citizen Florea Dorel the occasion of some kind of perverse delight? On which analytically perceived motives did you base your decision to kill a mentally sick man, in state of drunkenness? Did Florea Dorel have a criminal record? Was he posing a real threat to the tranquillity of the public? Did his murder satisfy your conscience of law-enforcer, or did you rather take advantage of your position as a uniformed man? Not less than 14 persons witnessed your brutal killing of a sick and drunken Rumanian man, on July the 29th, 2014, with hate and fury. You have stained the image of the institution in which you serve, and you should answer for that in court. A policeman who does not abide by the law he is supposed to stand for, should not be left free to commit, on any further occasion, similar offences, thus becoming a threat and a danger for the public and even for his own colleagues. The national Police force and the French judiciary have to judge this case swiftly, lest it should bring water to the mill of ordinary citizens critic, and even worse: give birth to some lone wolves with a thirst for retribution. This message is confidential and it is property of the Romanian Police. It is Exclusively destined to the person mentioned as addressee, as well as to any other person authorized to receive it. In case you are not the intended addressee, we hereby inform you that the disclosure, copying or distribution of the present information, or the initiation of any action based on it, are strictly forbidden and determine legal responsibility. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 10:26:07 +0000

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