No one is here by accident. We werent just given a new day to go - TopicsExpress


No one is here by accident. We werent just given a new day to go about our business. God loves us THAT much & wishes for none to perish that He is giving us all the opportunity to repent & turn from our sins. To die to ourselves, our desires, our wants, & our pleasures & pick up our crosses & follow Him! The Word says His kindness is to lead us to repentance. This is His kindness shown to us all... We dont deserve anything He has to give or offer but YET He gives it to us... Its a new day given to start over. To start fresh with Him! To make peace with Him. To draw closer to Him! Dont let this opportunity pass you by. We all arent promised tomorrow. We dont know what could go wrong at any minute. Our lives are only but a moment! Compared to eternity... How we choose to live our lives determines where we will spend our eternity. & thats either heaven or hell. I know we all want to see heaven one day but if our hearts arent set on Christ & Christ alone, we will not see it! There is still hope for all who still have breath. Dont wait till its to late. Gods grace remains but one day it will come to a end.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:35:43 +0000

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