No one likes to think about life’s what if questions. But if you - TopicsExpress


No one likes to think about life’s what if questions. But if you or your loved one is living with a disability, you understand how precious peace of mind can be. If you’ve recently been in an accident or afflicted with an illness or disability, now is the time to revisit your plans. Whether you are still earning an income or no longer able to, you’ve likely had an increase in your expenses from related costs, including prescriptions, supplies and perhaps even home care. I will help you evaluate your new circumstances and identify opportunities to adjust monthly spending and saving habits to help you stay on track and be prepared for what the future may hold. Perhaps you’ve been living with a disability for several years. Do you know if you are benefiting from the various medical, disability and caregiver tax credits available to you? We can help you identify opportunities to improve your financial outlook by taking advantage of these credits as well as government-assisted savings programs like the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP).1 Finally, if you are watching someone close to you struggle with an illness or disability, you know the emotional and financial toll it can take. And although you can’t guarantee you’ll never have a similar experience, you can protect yourself and your family against unnecessary stress by preparing now. Ill help you understand the myriad of options and terms available, such as life, disability, critical illness and long-term care, and advise on what would be best for you. After all, planning ahead can help you provide for the people you care about, even if you can’t. 1 The Canada Disability Savings Grant and the Canada Disability Savings Bond are provided by the Government of Canada.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:11:23 +0000

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