[No one-liners] [No Text talk] [Its not really necessary for you - TopicsExpress


[No one-liners] [No Text talk] [Its not really necessary for you to show your character bio/picture, I am fine if you suprise me with its personality and appearence through the rp] [Note: My first language isnt English, thus forgive my mistakes- im trying to improve more so-] So here are the rp plots I have: 1 . Feelsy rp plot [You decide who you want to be. The murderer, someone close to MY, etc] I thought we would meet again. But it seems fate never wanted to let our happiness continue... Blue eyes fixed on the very cross that stood in front of him, a cross surrounded with various flowers from various people. A cross that meant the end of a persons life in this world. But the start of another journey in the Gods realm. Your place... A soft whisper escaped his lips as he touched the very image that had been settled in the middle of the cross Shouldnt be burried under this cold cross. Your place... was supposed to be by my side, holding hands and watching one of your stupid TV shows you always adored. To lay in our bed and whisper silly things to me, or to sing one of your favorite songs. Your place, was .... to be here, in this realm you idiot. Fingers curled up on the very image, tears slowly slidding down the white cheeks who were slowly turning red, the coldness bitting throught his body as the rain was soaking him. But all he cared was to be by this cross and say everything that was on his heart. You were the only one who understood me. The one who always cheered me up when I was down You were the light of my life. The being that was bringing me the desire to live still in this damned world. So... how could you leave?... Eyes slowly closed for a moment before they opened again, remaining half open as he took his hand away, slowly sitting down and leaning his back against the cross. If you left... you shouldve taken me with you. You cruel idiot..... So cruel ... if I knew you would die that morning....I wouldve came with you. I wouldve held your hand until the very end.... And the thought of how much you suffered .... kills me. Because If I couldve been there, soothing your pain atleast with words and touches... you wouldve passed away with a smile with the thought you hadnt died all alone. That you had died while holding your lovers hand. Yet ... you died all alone, suffering .... because of the careless of a bastard. Did you know? They let him free, I bet it was because he has some relations with the police or God knows. But how could he let a killer free? How could he allow you to die on the street all alone? Worser than a dog? How could he even sleep or eat when he killed a person? A person who had someone to wait for him. Tell me.... how could God allow such a man to be free? How could he even allow you to vanish out of my life like that? How could he just .... throw my prayers away? How could he ignore all my yellings and beggings to allow you to live? His voice began to tremble with each word, anger and saddness overtaking him, and despite the cold that was making him quiver and grip his sleeves didnt make him move from the very spot. The very spot where his lover was resting. The very spot he had to witness how he had been burried deep in the ground. **** Few days ago **** Hey Allen? A brown haired male chirped, wrapping his arms around the blondes waist as he pecked his cheek. What delicious food have you cooked fo- UGBNH- The male whined as the blonde huffed and pressed his palm against his face. How many times have I told you to not sneak behind me like that, you idiot! Allen chuckled, taking his hand away when the other pouted and whined more. Ah how mean~ cant I just sneak behind my sweet lover and give him a warm hug?~ Cain let out while grinning wideely, quickly picking him up and putting him on the counter. Now come~ tell me what delicious food you made for me~! Or else ill tickle you to death A devilish chuckled escaped past his lips, green eyes staring up at the blue ones before he began tickling the other male, making him squirm and laugh loudly. Yes, another lively morning, as any of the others. A morning filled with laughters and smiles. With small innocent pecks and tickles. The smell of food overwhelming the kitchen and the pleasant singing tickling their ears. You always sing this song, dont you find it sad? And especially on such a nice morning... Allen murmured while stabbing the omlette deathly with his fork, making Cain do an dramatical gasp. Such cruelity towards the food~! Ah well, it is sad, but its such an beautiful sound that I couldnt help it but sing it. Hey, Allen, how about you sing with me? Cain asked with his usual goofy grin, taking a bit from the food while humming pleasantly. Geeh, you are so childish, how come I fell in love with an goofy childish twat? And no way! Im hungry, so im going to eat before I get very moody and beat the living hell out of you. He said with a chuckle, pointing the very fork towards the other making Cain yelp and grab his fork too. But this goofy childish twat made your heart go doki doki ~! So you shouldnt question that. And also.... you were the one who was like SENPAI NOTICE ME, PLZ. Cain let out with a loud laughter, making Allen hiss and slamm his fork against his. Seriously, are you an idiot?! I never said such a thing! Dont make me kill you with this fork! Allen growled, slamming his fork against the other more, but Cain began attacking as well, thought after awhile they stopped and stared at each other for a moment before they began laughing. Ah... I think I should go now. I have to go somewhere urgently. Cain said while looking at the clock But I honestly do not want to leave. Allen had found it odd that time, odd for Cain to not have the urge to go outside, and the very affectionate hug he had gotten and the very kiss had made his heart sink. It was as if it will be his last time seeing him, but how deadly right he was. He had spend that day at home, cleaning the kitchen and their room, after all they had made quite a mess last night. They had watched an horror movie togheter while eating popcorn, laughed at how their cat leaped away and hissed at some scary movie part. And after that they had taken a bath togheter, and they had ended up making the whole bathroom full of water from all the splashes that they had send at each other. They slipped, fell and laughed at each other, and even had a small inoffensive quarrell which got solved in their room. With small tender kisses placed on their lips, cheeks and foreheads, with warm hugs and small dancing on a slow song, then it turned into a war of pillows, making a mess out of their bedroom too. Feathers laid all over the floor and bed, and with harsh small gasps they let themselves fall on the bed, holding their hands still as they looked at the celling. For others, they looked strange or even disgusting. But they never cared what people said, all they cared was ... that they loved each others and that they were happy togheter. And even if there were huge fights sometimes, they would always end up comforting each other and apologizing. After all, a couple has their down times as well. But they are forgotten soon, as many more happy memories replace them. Perhaps I should make some cake for him. After all... its our third anniversary since we had been togheter. I wonder if he will like the present... but knowing him, he will like it a lot. Allen chuckled as he looked at the small gift box wrapped with a light blue ribbon After all he wanted this kind of watch since last year. It was expensive, but he is worth of such a thing. and upon saying that his phone rang, and upon opening it and looking at the message he couldnt help but chuckle. Neee Neee Allen, its so cold outside! I want to get home faster~ so I can cuddle against your warm body! Ah, want to get you something from the store? So silly... thats what you get for getting outside with that thin jacket. Allen let out with a chuckle before he typed out an message. When I told you to get the other jacket you didnt want to listen to me. Now suffer you silly mortal. And no, I do not need anything from the store. So hurry up and come back home. Hey, Allen. You know I love you very much, right? So never forget about it. Are you an idiot? Of course I know, id never forget such a thing. What suddenly got into you to ask this? Ah, nothing sweetpie~ you love me right? Dont call me sweetpie! And of course I love you. How much you love me~? Ugh.... as much to the point id die witouth you. Hahaha~ thats what I wanted to hear. Well ill call you later, so be next to the phone or else ill cry~! Yes, yes I will. He felt strange, Cains messages were bothering him so much, and he didnt know why. And when he didnt receive any messages it made him worry a lot. - From Cains point of view- Ah, I couldnt tell him I had asked for a free day from my work just to get a matching rings. He would be like scolding me. But its worth it, after all ... we couldnt even get engaged, thanks to those fools who do not allow such a thing. But hey ... it doesnt matter Cain murmured to himself as he got out of the jewerly shop, it had took him quite a long time to choose some matching rings, but he wanted to get the most beautiful one to fit his lover well. And everything was fine as he walked towards his house, he wasnt scared that now, the darkness had overwhelmed the city, nor how silent the streets were and mostly empty. I should message him....He must be worried that Im being so late. Such a worried lover he is~ He chirped out while getting out his phone, sliding to the right and unlocking it, looking at the pic of himself and his lover with a smile. But then suddenly, screeching noises could be heard, lights blinding him, and before he could even realize, he had been hit head on by a car, send far away from the spot he had been and hit dead on the ground. Everything was getting blurry, and the phone no longer was in his hand, but the small box with the rings had been held tightly in his hand. Ah, he now knew why he felt so sad, and the sight of the blood gathering on the ground, and the taste of it remaining in his mouth, he knew what was happening. And tears flooded his eyes, and despite still breathing, the one who had hit him abandoned him. Letting him die with regret. The regret of not being able to give Allen his gift, and to be by his side till the end. --------------- They had called me afterwards, telling me you had been found dead on the side of the street by some people. You know, I had called and called you, send so many messages. I waited for your call not theirs. But in the end .... you never got to see your gift or eat the cake. We never got to celebrate our anniversary. It was supposed to be a happy day, yet.... look what happened. Slowly, bit by bit his voice was getting weaker, words couldnt no longer get out of his mouth as he cried. Accidents happen, people driving with a crazy speed are everywhere. But they never think that they could kill someones important person. And when they realize their fault, they try to beg forgiveness. But id never forgive the bastard who killed you. Never. 2. Kitsune x YC [human, another being, or maybe another Kitsune. Up to you] Another boring day for the white haired kitsune with golden eyes, but another day of him learning more about those boring mortals. The very mortals that the God Inari always loved and cherished. The very God whom he worked for. But not because he had been forced to do so, no, every single Kitsune under Inaris rule had choosen to work for him because they wished to, not because they had been forced or threatened. But every single kitsune had to respect the rules Inari had set for them, and those whom disobey his rules shall be punished. But for this single kitsune, such rules never had attracted him to respect them, in fact he was breaking such rules daily. But because of his very unique difference from the other kitsunes and also because he always did a great job in listening to the humans prayers and protected them from the evil, Inari had always spared him from the cruel punishments. But of course, if he was going to turn into a bad kitsune, Inari would be the one to end his life. Ahh~ boring ... cant those bloody humans ask for something else than fortune... fortune... and wealth? Im getting sick of such requests. The kitsune grumped out, of course nobody had heard him. After all, he was on the very shoulder of the Inaris statue with his presence hidden well from the mortals eyes. Yes, he would hiss whenever a human would peek up in his direction. Ah, how he wished for something entertaining to happen in his life. 3. Army Leader x Prince What shall we do now, Leader? We will chase them or w- We will return to the palace and announce .... that the war had finally ended. A brown haired male murmured, green orbs staring at the field in front of him as the horse stomped forward. Yes, the war has finally ended, but with a high payment. The whole field was filled with corpses, both of his men and the opposite countrys men. But for him, every single being that had lost their lives here were nothing more than victims to the greedyness and cruelity of those at top. I understand. I shall go and announce our troops to return then. The soldier muttered, bowing his head humbly against the very man who led the army to the victory. To the victory which they had aimed for so many years. And as the soldier had left him complety all alone, he slowly pulled the horses reins and got off it, gently patting its neck. Good boy... he murmured softly while glancing in front once again. If they had come at terms with us from the very start, such a horrible fight wouldnt had taken place in the first place. He had uttered with an exhausted sigh, slowly his hand moved to hold his injured side, ignoring the minor cuts on his face and arms. And we had lost one of the greatest Princes as well.... He whispered while closing his eyes, the breeze soothing him, but did not stop the very few tears that dropped down the cheeks. Yes, during those cruel fights, the eldest Prince of their Kingdom had fallen.... in a noble way of protecting another being. I have told you once ... if you remember... that if you are to be too kind, death will stay in your shadow and await for the good chance to pull you in its darkness. Yet, you refused to listen. The Prince, had been someone he had knew from the very moment they had meet at the palace, him a newly traineer to become a guard the other a Prince who studied hard and practiced with a wooden sword to achieve his dream. His dream of bringing true peace to this land, and mostly to put a stop to the endless tears and blood. In the end .. you achieved your dream, you bought peace with the price of your life. But such a peace like this... will not last too much. But I promise ... that ill do my best to protect this land, for you. With that said he got up on his horse and made his way to his men, whom quickly assembled and began making their way to the palace. They shall give a good burial to everyone who had lost their lives once they will make sure the enemy was gone for sure. And with their arrival, the terrible news echoed through the whole Kingdom, bringing men and woman to tears as their beloved Prince died. And as he thought, the peace wouldnt remain for too long, as he had been summoned to the Kings throne room once he had been treated and changed. You have returned victorious as I expected, but in exchange of this very war, I had lost my oldest child. The very one whom was fated to succeed after me. The Kings words echoed in the very room as the Knight bowed. I accept any kind of punishment, Your Highness. I had failed to protect the Prince with my life. Thus, even death punishment would be alright for me, as long as I know this land will remain in peace. The knight said, head low as he had his eyes closed, and upon hearing the exhausted sigh, he knew what would the King say next. It is impossible for me to kill you, as much as I am boiling in anger, I would be foolish to kill the very leader of my army. The very great warrior of our land. You are not fated to die yet. Thus, you have to make sure the enemy will not lay a step in here, and that my last child will not die, or else, my bloodline will not be passed further. And with that said, the Knight bowed his head and accepted it. You are dissmised. The King let out as he waved his hand, his eyes fixed on the very window. He had aged so much and also had became so weak, to the point everyone were scared that they might lose him soon. And now, he had the duty to protect his last son. And this time .... witouth any failure. 4. Doll x Human [or anything else] Hello, new human. Amazed how real I look? You should be. Because father had created me to be the perfect doll. Though, you see, even if I am a doll, I have my own mind and soul. Ah, but you wouldnt know such a thing, would you? No, I cannot talk, but you might be the one to get me released of this damned cursed. A curse to be forever alone as a so called perfect doll. As long as you could get me to move again, ill be even more humane looking. But how troublesome, you might be another fool who doesnt know how to do so. And how annoying it is, when people like you come and ruffle my black hair or tug on it. Its trully annoying and rude to do such a thing to a poor doll. And now I do know how the other dolls felt like. Hey, Hey, easy there, dont you brutally pick me up like im some box, you asshat! Geez, now I know why I hate not being able to talk, because I cannot give you some good lecturing for being and ass. Anyways where are you taking me? Oh, let me guess?~ Maybe a Victorian mansion? Oh how lovely it would be~ The smell of earl tea and the fresh baked scones. Hey .... Hey- why are you entering such a raggy looking box- Wait- no, dont go in that one! Ahhhh my Victorians dreams were ruined. Such a horrible house you have. And OH GOD, KEEP THAT DOG AWAY FROM ME YOU BLASTED HUMAN! 5. Ghost x Human Such a bullshit, ghosts do not exist. Thats what a big part of people say, but ghosts do exist. But such words were hard to utter as news were overwhelmed about a school being terorized by a ghost; nobody knowing what could had angered the ghost to the point it made so many victims. A high school school, one of the most popular ones. The very high school that I had attended while I was alive. Yes, im the very Ghost of this very school. And im not doing all of this out of pleasure. I cannot contain my anger towards the other who put an end to my life and escaped witouth even being suspected. The very brown haired male with chocolate eyes that was leaning against the wall was no living human, it was the ghost of a student who had been thought that he had commited suicide. But in fact, he had been pushed off the rooftop by the one who hated him the most ever since he had stepped out in this very school. The very boy who is feared by everyone in the school. And even this damned boy had began fearing the angered ghost, but he had never apologized or confessed his crime. Ill make you pay... even if it means sinning and killing others in the way. You made me lose my life and my dreams. And mostly .... you dare date my sister even thought you had murdered me. Ah, dont worry... Ill make sure to kill you one day or another.... The ghost murmured, giving cold shivers to everyone who was close to the spot where he was leaning against. 6. Dragon x Anything Dragons, the very creatures whom the humans always feared. The dragons that could easily burn down an entire village and raise terror through the humans chore, the creatured which they are now sealed. Sealed by one of the angered Gods whom had enough of the chaos they had brought to his children. But even if they had been sealed away, they are still lurking in the dark and stealing the lifes of the humans. But some remain in hidding as to not be caught by the humans. But now, there is a single question that bothered the humans. How have theyve been sealed? No human knows how they had been sealed, only the God and the dragons do know how they had been sealed. Especially a red haired one with bright golden eyes whom remained hidden for many years in his underground cave, protecting his fortune well for so many years. But as the other dragons, he had been sealed as well. Branded with the mark of the God and unable to return to his big form, if he were to transform into his dragon form, he would end up into a small harmless one. Curse that bastard and his damned mark. Ripping off our freedom because of mere mortals. What the hell is so great at them anyways? They whine, cry, and complain a lot. He let out as he layed down on the gold, with a big yawn, he rolled around in the gold and glanced at the celling. With them being marked, they contained no strong ability to kill humans easily. And they could be easily caught by the humans quite easily if they knew how to use their minds.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 04:01:47 +0000

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