No...our government would do it to us. And they wont tell us. - TopicsExpress


No...our government would do it to us. And they wont tell us. Someone else will have to tell us, and by then it will be too late. Consider this. With some risk, I share this thought. Its a thought worth thinking--for all of us. There were so many who had conspiracy theories after 9/11 because of a group of Israelis who were reportedly watching the attack on the twin terrors, and then celebrating it. Theorists said it was Israel somehow involved or behind the attack. I dont know and we will never really know. But what I do know is this--after 9/11 we allowed our Congress and then our government to erode our rights to privacy for the sake of our own individual and national security when it passed the Patriot Act--because, if you dont support it, you must not be patriotic. Well....we have since in those years learned of more abuse of powers and our rights to privacy are virtually non-existent in the world. The atmosphere of fear created a vulnerability that we could be and would be the next victim of we gave our rights away as individuals because we know true to ourselves we had nothing sinister to hide. Israel made us the enemy of the world--the new target....and look at where that has gotten us. We have also learned of how our government is spying on not only its citizens, but also world leaders. We also learn more about Israel and its tactics and how it has and is marketing and selling its military and security training all over the world--including to some of the worst dictators in South America, and how it supported apartheid in South Africa. We also learned Israel is training Americas police officers, and the recent past shows an increasing number of incidents involving police brutality and excessive force. I am reading the IDF and Israeli politicians statements to their people, listening to Bibis press conferences, and hearing how they are spreading fear and likewise have instilled this vulnerability to terrorists too. And with that fear the Israeli public is convinced it must eliminate and annihilate a whole population to keep them safe. The Iron Dome, some argue, is nothing but a sieve that is the perception of security from wayward missiles, not unlike our airport security in USA. And then I consider that our leaders and politicians continue to state their unwavering support for Israel. Even though it publicly criticizes OUR leaders, and it is now reportedly spying on them too, including and specifically John Kerry. Is the USA an unwitting tool for Israel? Or is the USA moving further away from its democratic principles of freedom, justice, and liberty for all--equal rights under the Constitution??...Is the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness limited to those in power? Is Israel creating the fear of terrorism in American that fuels our belief for the need of extreme measures for security? I can only question our government and where we are going along this quest for absolute security when I see how we are condoning the oppression of Palestinian people and the methods of doing so, because those methods are appearing more and more here at home. Think and be afraid. But more important, act. Pay attention and dont let our true democracy turn into a police state like Israel. Tomorrow when you are oppressed will be too late.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:50:44 +0000

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