No place like home. Back to Canada. We were up super early - TopicsExpress


No place like home. Back to Canada. We were up super early yesterday morning (6:00am) to catch a flight from Athens to Istanbul and then from Istanbul to Toronto. We reached our home at 11pm last night. As beautiful as Athens and Istanbul are it is great to be back in Canada How appropriate it was to be returning to my home land on remembrance day. During our travels people would often ask where we are from. I was proud to say Canada and even prouder at their remarks. Most expressed how fortunate we are to live in Canada, a land of freedom, prosperity, world class schools and accessible health care programs. As a taxi driver said to us in Greece You pay lots of tax in Canada....but you get good life style. Here in Greece, we pay lots of tax and get nothing. Greece is still struggling to bounce back from near bankruptcy a few years ago. So while travelling on remembrance day yesterday I reflected on these conversations and was grateful. When I went through passport security and the guard said to me Welcome Home I knew I was home and was grateful. When I went to baggage claim and the Last Post video was playing on screen I was grateful and knew to whom I needed to be grateful. To all our peace keepers, armed forces, fallen soldiers and veterans who put their lives on the line to protect this great country of ours....I am grateful, thank you. Canada truly is the greatest country in the world.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 11:31:05 +0000

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