No place like home sweet home. Interesting trip to Raleigh 1. - TopicsExpress


No place like home sweet home. Interesting trip to Raleigh 1. Hope got sick before left. 2. Car tore up before trip and had to make alternate plans to borrow another car 3. Arrangements to cover Hopes care took two grandparents and three CNAs, 4. I got a sick migraine traveling to meeting 5. Thus turned sick on my stomach 6. An even more interesting turn of events was that I stayed across the road from the Crab Tree mall and never darkened it doors one time...thats sick. Lol 7. I drove for three hours one night and was unsuccessful in finding an urgent care. I do seriously have some health concerns involving ulcers and boils that have made me feverish, weak, and dehydrated, but praise God I never skipped a beat with my training and feel like I performed,well--thats GOD. 8. Good thing is a doctor in Winston is working in me in tomorrow to study my case. The others say it is coming from stress and system breaking down , but I just want relief. The pain is excruciating and I feel bad all over. I did get assessed by a nurse who feels with certainty they will admit me. I pray not. I need to spend some good time with the kids this weekend and back to Raleigh all next week, 9. Trip home last night matched everything else....bumper to bumper traffic and hard rain! 10. Everything seemed better when I stopped to bring Seth Krispy Kreme donuts and Dewey eclaires for Hopie, who was THRILLED TO SEE HER MOMMY! (Sorry for the run down. ...seems,humerous now its over, but prayers for today would mean a lot. We need them. GOD bless and Happy Friday!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 11:19:40 +0000

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