No responsible leader(s) should allow essential ministries - TopicsExpress


No responsible leader(s) should allow essential ministries (education, health, security services etc) to go on strike, much more allowing the strike to run into months. This is with particular reference to the ongoing academic staff union of universities (ASUU) strike action. ASUU strike is/has become almost a yearly occurrence. Yours truly lost more than 6 months to ASUU strike while in the university in the early 90’s. Therefore, it will be wise to ask students to make provision for at least 2 years of strike action during their university days. But come to think of it, why allow these strikes to drag on for so long? Who’s the beneficiary or why would a leader allow this, other than sheer irresponsibility. Now the so called irresponsible leaders were elected by the people, therefore it would be right to say the masses are reaping what they sowed. What a better way to give dividends of democracy to the public. N...ext time shine your eyes, elect properly and be prepared to defend your votes/choice(s). Moving on: If you’re affected by this ASUU strike or you know someone that is affected, kindly tell them to consider and apply for volunteer work/jobs during this period of strike and there after. This is instead of being idle. An idle mind is the devils workshop. Help yourself because your government/leaders do not care for you, otherwise they will not let this strike drag so long. Apply to as many establishments as possible asking to volunteer for them. The writer, understands that, there is no remuneration involved, but at least a successful volunteer will be engaged and also acquire work experiences to enhance his/her resume/curriculum vitae. To the employers, kindly employ volunteer staffs. This will cut some overhead costs. Employers, employees and the society at large would benefit.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 01:04:46 +0000

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