No rest for the very weary.... Thank you again for all of your - TopicsExpress


No rest for the very weary.... Thank you again for all of your support over the past few weeks with Jazzs passing, Mud and Smudges adoption. However, no good deed goes unpunished, and thus why we have not been on FB the last couple of days... Now we have 3 cats with varying issues all at the same time.... On Wednesday night we notice Smudge sneezing and having runny eyes, so off to the vet on Thursday... URI, but viral (otherwise a cold). Some antiviral meds an drops for the eyes. Friday, Margit notices a very strong oder of pee in the house and discovers that Mud had been peeping on an arm chair, a couch cushion (the cushion is in recoverable) and our bed. He is a very recent neutered male, so the smell was extraordinary! Off to the vet he goes to see if there is a medical issue. Urine collecting kit in hand and back home we go to set him up in isolation. In the meantime, Inky had been going to town on the kitten Science Diet since Wednesday and then on Friday morning, he started vomiting. First it was all of the canned kitten food, but he kept going all day until it was clear liquid. This is from s cat who rarely vomits and now he does it about 8 times in 24 hours. Back to the vet we go yesterday with Inky. X-ray, blood and urine work; subcutaneous fluids and a shot for nausea. The X-ray shows a lot of gas in him, but everything else looked ok. Back home we go. He eats a very little tuna fish at home and then that is it. He has not eaten since (I have tried everything from canned food, more tuna and even a paste made from his dry food; all tried too warm and cold). Back to the vet today and his and Muds results are back. Everything on both cats was normal. No UTI infections on either cat and all of Inkys blood numbers were good. Another hit of subcutaneous and a different shot for nausea and back home. If he does not eat today it will be back to the vet tomorrow morning for more test. The feeling is that he got himself sick on the kitten food, but we do not know more yet. Mud? The vet wants him to stay in isolation for another couple of days and then see how he is.... Oh, and in week from yesterday, we are supposed to be going on a vacation for 10 days.... Needless to say, we are all stressed....
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 17:00:07 +0000

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