No way... That is totally untrue... I was a police officer 17 - TopicsExpress


No way... That is totally untrue... I was a police officer 17 years ago for six month out of the 34 precent and I can tell you first hand what they made me do! First , I was told to stop and frisk people ( black people Hispanics for no reason) its totally against the constitution and human right) at first it was fun but I didnt realize how messed up it was until I went to Florida on vacation and some red neck did it to me and when I showed him my badge he didnt give a RIP? True story! I am half italian and my family has connections in the police department here in NEW YORK CITY , con Edison ( who I also worked for) the contractors and public works department ( but my last name is GARCIA) a red neck FLAG ! Now Im not saying police dont have a hard job( they are over worked and under paid). The state and federal system is corrupted right now because the economy is very bad and when it is people steal and commit more crimes! It A NATURAL REACTION of bad economics. The banks ( the real power) have a personal interest in the prison system. Who arrest people? Exactly?The police! Who jails them? The police--correctional officers. They abuse there power everyday by commiting crimes everyday and more then any other profession.. Crimes from theft rap and murder. There is not enough stress test in police academy to weed out the bad apples. You should know better to post lies like this because I will shot it down with me as a face book friend ( DELETE BUTTON IS ALWAYS WELCOME:) this post was not written by any fact, census, vote, proof, or document! Police officers do save lives and we need them for people who cant protect them selves but not under a corrupted system who merely used them to extort, abuse, violate, for a pay check and lively hood that they will choose first and before humanity?!!!!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:51:48 +0000

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