No, we were NOT framed as a Majority-Rule Democracy; were a - TopicsExpress


No, we were NOT framed as a Majority-Rule Democracy; were a Constitutional Rule of Law Republic with democratic accoutrements when it comes to elections and deciding cases before a jury or panel of judges. Whats the Primary Difference between a pure, Mob Rule, Majority Democracy and a Constitutional, Rule of Law Republic? There are several, but the most important one is that our Rule of Law Republic protects the rights of minorities even when a MAJORITY thinks they should be deprived of them. For Instance: Most Americans Dont Think Churches Should Be Exempt From LGBT Non-Discrimination Laws. Had we been a pure Democracy the moment 50.1% of the electorate thought Churches and the People of God should no longer be able to exercise their religion under the protection of the 1st amendment the latter would no longer be able to do so. The SUBJECTIVE wishes of the majority would trump the RIGHTS of the minority; Mere Might Would Make Right. Thank God were not a Democracy but a Rule of Law Republic; our framers knew best and anticipated evil wo/mmen would arise who would try to trample the Rule of Law by sheer force and number. Under our Republic, if theres even just one person left who clings to a Creator endowed unalienable right or to a right afforded her by the Bill of Rights, it doesnt matter how many Godless people gang up on her and opine otherwise, try to shame her into submission, or threaten her with burning crosses on her lawn, or rocks thrown through her windows, or Molotov cocktails tossed upon her porch, or sniper bullets fired at her while shes washing dishes standing before her kitchen window. The law protects her from the wishes of the majority imposed and enforced by an immoral government which has eschewed the Constitution in favor of another - usually a Godless, Marx-derived - agenda. Nowhere has this important distinction been better borne out than by the SCOTUS Hobby Lobby ruling, much to the chagrin of the majority of Godless people who rued the ruling. So long as our Constitution is in force and Good Men and Women dont just pay lip service to their oath of office as some Democrats have done, but actually live, breath and serve to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help them and U.S. God, our Creator endowed and Constitutionally conferred rights will remain sacrosanct and intact, no matter how angry, threatening or combative the Godless and anti-American Left becomes. An example of how the wishes of a growing majority were able to temporarily trump the plain meaning of the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the implicit intent of our framers was Roe v Wade. Two feminist women attorneys browbeat 7 crotchety old men, 6 white and 1 black, and despite the fact that those 7 men could not find any Constitutional nor statutory text even hinting at affording anyone the right to kill any human being at any stage of life with impunity, they discovered meaning emanating from Constitutional penumbrae (shadows within a shadow) that gave them what they thought was enough cover from a badly torn fig leaf to be kowtowed by women begging to be able to kill gestating babies with immunity from prosecution for murder homicide. Those 7 all-male jurists opined that there was no single definition among the sciences, theology, philosophy, nor ethics that they could point to which stated unequivocally when human life begins, and they themselves were too feckless to do their solemn duty and write that juridical definition. So while the non-legal definition of life subjectively differed from branch of knowledge to branch of knowledge, they would allow women nationwide in defiance of most State statutes to kill their own flesh-and-blood gestating babies with impunity unless and until an Act of Congress or the 28th amendment unequivocally defined life as beginning when it does, at fertilization; and that new homo sapien lives begin as natural PERSONS (they have Personhood) protected under the 14th amendment, as are all human Persons. This, they ruled, would cause Roe to completely collapse and the law would then retract from women the temporary indulgence permitting them to kill their gestating babies with immunity from prosecution for murder homicide. It is up to 21st century men and women of valor, virtue, integrity and morality to pass the Life At Conception Act, or add the 28th amendment unequivocally defining life as beginning at fertilization and thus conferring full Personhood upon fully homo sapien babies from the moment of conception. Well know weve done right and good because a majority of immoral Godless liberals will protest, just as they do now when it comes to the exercise of religion 24/7/365 under the 1st amendment, and well have once again strengthened, preserved, protected, and defended the Constitution of the United States of America which conferred upon us a Republic, if we can keep it, so help U.S. God! huffingtonpost/2014/10/31/lgbt-employment-discrimination-churches_n_6082846.html?ncid=fcbklnkushpmg00000013
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:15:36 +0000

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