No wonder so many people are so angry with the Democrats. And as - TopicsExpress


No wonder so many people are so angry with the Democrats. And as Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber has so infamously observed, Obamacare never would have become law if the American people had been told the truth about what it would do to them. It has been documented that Gruber has visited the White House about a dozen times since 2009, and he has been one of the leading intellectual proponents of Obamacare. A video in which he states that “the stupidity of the American voter” was “really critical” to the passage of Obamacare has gone viral over the past week. I have posted a copy of this video below… What he is essentially saying is that the Democrats purposely deceived the American people because it was the only way that Obamacare was going to become law. And this is a man that has become very wealthy advising government on healthcare matters. According to an article in the Washington Post, he has made millions of dollars from “consulting” in recent years… If you are Gruber, life is quite good. But for most of the rest of America, the economic pain continues. For example, one recent study found that almost half of all Floridians cannot even afford “to pay for basic necessities”… *Video Below shows Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber bragging about deceiving the American people, who he thinks are stupid. csiafoundation/12313-obamacare-a-death-panel-for-the-u-s-economy
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:10:53 +0000

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