No words can adequately capture the feeling at todays funeral. - TopicsExpress


No words can adequately capture the feeling at todays funeral. Burying a child is simply not derech hateva. It was the realization of any sane parents deepest fear. A father had to watch as dirt-smeared men lowered the remains of his daughter into a hole in the ground, along with the bag of her blood-drenched clothing. And then, he alone began to shovel dirt into her grave. He had to listen as his wife and surviving children cried inconsolably, and he was powerless to do anything to comfort them. Her mother said at the kever, God forgive me, but I hope he [the terrorist] dies. Whats to forgive? That we shouldnt beg for Your vengeance on this sick, twisted parody of a human? That we shouldnt desire the death of this perah adam? Rabid dogs are put down, why not this behemah? He dared to lay his filthy hands on one of Your innocent daughters, to spill her blood in the streets, spilled the blood of her unborn children, and her childrens children. Will this go unanswered, unpunished? Is there no kategor in shamayim who will demand for justice for Dalia? I hope to God his death is slow and excruciating. I hope to God he rots from the inside, and I hope to God there is no medicine strong enough to dull the pain. And if I cant be forgiven for desiring these things, so be it.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 15:57:13 +0000

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