No, you cannot fake having bipoar disorder. Sometimes people - TopicsExpress


No, you cannot fake having bipoar disorder. Sometimes people think people fake having bipolar disorder just so they can not work and claim disability. Here are the reasons why you cannot fake having bipolar disorder. 1. Everyone can fake being down or having the blues. Its not possible to fake severe depression where you stare at the wall, dont want to shower, dont want to eat and mostly sleep for weeks or months on end. If someone actually does manage to do that they suffer from a mental illness far worse than bipolar disorder. 2. It is not possible to fake mania. Mania comes with a great deal of energy. People without bipolar will not be able to sustain those energy levels for extended periods of time without taking some from of drug and then that will be obvious. 3. It is not possible to fake mixed states. Mixed states are so complex to understand and treat that many Psychiatrists even do not fulyl understand it. Only someone that is actually mixed will be able to have the state. 4. It is not possible to fake psychosis. The complexities and unpleasantness of psychosis is not only near impossible to fake it would also not make sense as to why someone would want to be in such a state. 5. It is not possible to fake rapid cycling. Rapid cycling is so tiring that someone that is not bipolar would not be able to sustain the levels that are required to rapid cycle. 6. It would not be able to take bipolar medication and not have severe side effects if you are not bipolar. Conclusion. It is therefore impossible to fake bipolar disorder. Someone might be able to convince someone over a short period of time but over time the person will not be able to sustain all the complexities of bipolar disorder. Only someone that suffers from the disorder will truly be able to display all the very complex symptoms associated with the disorder. It would also not make any sense for someone that is not bipolar to out of free will put themselves through the pain, stigma, medication issues, rejection, mania and depression that a bipolar sufferer has. © Herman H Le Roux
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 05:17:01 +0000

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